Cod liver

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Cod´ liv`er

n.1.The liver of the common cod and allied species.
Cod-liver oil
an oil obtained from the liver of the codfish, and used extensively in medicine as a means of supplying the body with fat in cases of malnutrition.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
The family doctor gave her cod liver oil, then iron, then nitrate of silver, but as the first and the second and the third were alike in doing no good, and as his advice when spring came was to go abroad, a celebrated physician was called in.
John says I musn't lose my strength, and has me take cod liver oil and lots of tonics and things, to say nothing of ale and wine and rare meat.
The MRRSE Research report on the global cod liver oil market analyses the opportunities in the market, and presents updates and insights pertaining to the various segments in the global Cod Liver Oil Market over the forecast period 2018--2026.
Summary: The MRRSE Research report on the global cod liver oil market analyses the opportunities in the market, and presents updates and insights pertaining to the various segments in the global Cod Liver Oil Market over the forecast period 2018--2026.
M2 PRESSWIRE-July 30, 2019-: Global Cod Liver Oil Market Set to Register a CAGR of Approx 6% During 2019-2023
I've given my Border Collie a cod liver oil tablet every day since he was a puppy, to help keep him healthy and his joints supple.
| Vitabiotics Ultra Cod Liver Oil plus Omega 3 Rich in essential acids to boost the brain, eye health and heart.
Cod liver oil, which contains vitamin D, was shown to prevent and cure the disease, and studies conducted on dogs and other animals proved that a nutritional deficiency of vitamin D caused rickets.
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, cod liver oil has several benefits for the breastfeeding mother and her infant.
The vitamin A content of natural (unprocessed) cod liver oil is usually two to 10 times that of its vitamin D.