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CODCash On Delivery (shipping)
CODChemical Oxygen Demand
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CODCapacity On Demand
CODCost of Death (insurance)
CODCatch of the Day
CODCollege of Dupage
CODCost of Debt (finance)
CODCenter of Development (various organizations)
CODCollege of the Desert
CODCommon Origination and Disbursement (US Department of Education)
CODCause of Death
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CODCylinder on Demand (Audi)
CODCertificate of Destruction
CODCertificate Of Deposit
CODCancellation of Debt
CODCrack O' Dawn
CODCarbone Organique Dissous (French: Dissolved Organic Carbon)
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CODCurse of Dimensionality (applied mathematics)
CODComputer Organization and Design (textbook)
CODCouncil on Diversity (various locations)
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CODConnection Oriented Data
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CODCoefficient of Determination
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CODCustomer Order Desk (various companies)
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CODCanadian Oxford Dictionary
CODCurse of Doom (World of Warcraft spell)
CODCone Dystrophy
CODCloud of Darkness
CODCareer Opportunities Development (California)
CODColor of the Day (undercover police)
CODCertificate of Designation (FAA)
CODCrypt of Decay (Everquest gaming)
CODCombat Operations Division (USAF)
CODCollège d'Omnipratique Dentaire (French: College of General Practice Dentistry; Belgium)
CODCody Yellowstone Regional Airport (airport code)
CODCo-Occuring Disorder (mental health diagnosis)
CODCentral Ordnance Depot (India)
CODChange of Details
CODCircle of Dependability
CODCircle of Darkness (online game)
CODCenter Operations Directorate
CODCrossroads of Destiny (TV show Avatar: the Last Airbender)
CODCertificate of Disposal
CODCooperative Opportunities Document
CODChildren Of Destiny
CODCustomer Order Display
CODComplex Orthogonal Design
CODCaptain on Deck
CODCardiovasculaire, Obésité et Diabète
CODCare of the Devil (AC/DC song)
CODCorrection of Deficiency
CODCommunity Operations Division
CODCase of Department
CODComité de Orden y Disciplina (disciplinary comitee for Guatemalan jails)
CODCentral Organization Department
CODCongreso de la Central Obrera Departamental (Bolivian labor organization)
CODContinuous Optical Discharge
CODCerebro-Ocular Dysgenesis (muscular dystrophy)
CODComics on Delivery (1997 movie)
CODCentral Order Desk
CODCascaded Optical Delay Line
CODCost of Operations Division
CODCategory Of Distribution
CODCadet on Duty
CODConcept of Operations Description
CODCircles of Doom (gaming)
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References in periodicals archive ?
On the basis of form, the global cod liver oil market has been segmented as-
The relationship between COD movements and vertical and horizontal jumps has also been explored.
Mick Renwick took four pollock and a cod for 7lb 6oz, while Gary Sproston took the heaviest, a cod of 3lb 13oz.
Without drastic intervention to save the cod (and the habitat they need to thrive) our grandchildren might know the cod only as the wooden sculpture--and a testament to our greed and shortsightedness.
Since Colonial times, the Sacred Cod hanging in the Massachusetts Statehouse has been a "historic and continuing symbol of the commonwealth.'' This regional mascot reminds us that New England was built on a foundation of fish.
He caught six cod from Kettleness, to weigh in 18lb 12oz.
Small cod and chips - PS4.25 12 High Street, Tonyrefail CF39 8PG - 01443 672 111 IT'S Friday lunchtime and the Crispy Cod is packed.
Brian Buchan, who has fished the North Sea waters for over thirty years, expressed the fury of his colleagues who feel the report has undermined their best efforts to protect cod stocks.
Some 7% of cod was mislabelled in the UK, a study published in the scientific journal Fish and Fisheries found.
Nicholas Achilles, 45, advertised the more expensive cod on his takeaway menu when it was in fact an Asian freshwater catfish called panga.
111-5, provides certain business debtors with a cancellation of debt (COD) income deferral election under new Sec.