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COCUSCentral Office Code Utilization Survey
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Now from the Hoorentse islands to the Cocus or Verraders island, discovered by Willem Schouten, we reckon still more to eastward 8[degrees]15' so that for the longitude of Coques and Verraders island we get 194[degrees].
SUNA souligne que la reunion vise la mise d'une vision pour les dirigeant africains sur la manipulation avec le Fond et la Banque Monetaire International (FMI-BI) afin de realiser le developpement et le progres economique en Afrique, la reunion examine egalement les questions de l'integration economique au continent, il est a noter que le Soudan a deja accueilli l'an dernier la premiere reunion du COCUS a Khartoum.
The mineral content of the raw and fermented sesame seeds were quite higher than that recorded for raw coconut, while studying the effect of roasting on the chemical composition of coconut (Cocus nucifera) seed flour and oil [23].
Mustard (Brassica compestris) L, Coconut (Cocus nucifera) L, Sesame (Sesamum indicum) L, and Rocket seed (Eurica sativa)Mill, were tested against pulse beetle, Callosobruchus analis) Fab, in green gram.
Cocus non satis est ars sola coco: servire palatum nolo: cocus domini debet habere gulam.
Its standard selection of palms comprises Tropical Date, Washingtonia Fan, Cocus and the new Areca Palm.
1 2 Bunchosia 9 macrophylla Castilla elastica 1 Cecropia insignis 3 Cecropia 69 7 97 obtusifolia ** Cocus nucifera ** 8 4 Cordia alliodora 1 2 1 Coussapoa villosa 57 21 65 Cupania cinerea 1 1 Erythrina 1 1 poeppigiana Ficus sp.
However, some of the alleged instances of verbal echoing are pressed too far in my opinion (the connection between coco, the ablative for cocus, at 74.5, and the onomatopoeia cocococo at 59.3).
Coir fibre from the Coconut Palm, Cocus nucifera, now seen as a potting compost is made into ropes.