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References in periodicals archive ?
The affadavit was filed as a part of a legal dispute between Blethen Maine Newspapers and the Portland Newspaper Guild, which represents about 300 workers.
In addition, each applicant must furnish signed and witnessed affadavits from four referees guaranteeing his moral probity as well as the bona fides of statements in the Memorial.
1998) [hereinafter Quinn Affadavit (Garner)] (on file with author).
Refer students to the list that they generated during the Focus Activity and ask them whether they see a connection between their list and the affadavit. Share information from the background essay and explain that one of the main reasons for the disparity between the number of U.S.
After being threatened by the MPAA, Corley removed DeCSS from his website, but he posted links to other sites containing the offending code (which has also been distributed on T-shirts), as did the New York Times, which filed an affadavit in support of 2600, arguing that hyperlinks are essential to the practice of online journalism.
OHM, Motion for Summary Judgment, Affadavit of Ruth Lowenkron, 9 September 1992.
Justice Stevens' dissent critized the majority opinion for discounting the affadavit of an experienced criminal defense lawyer.(83) Justice Stevens noted that the presumption that some whites are prosecuted in state court is not "contradicted" by the statistics on the percentage of blacks convicted.
(128)William Schurz, "Affadavit" (Washington, D.C., 1935), 17, NA, RG 9, box 4409.
According to the affadavit, Schmidt offered reasons "other than the fact that VW was intentionally cheating on U.S.
In an affadavit the victim filed seeking to have the charges dropped, she said only that she made the request because she felt it was in her and her child's best interests.
In addition, anyone sending money to Cuba must sign an affadavit swearing that the cash isn't going to Cuban government officials or members of the Cuban Communist Party.
Yesterday her own lawyer said: "She has sworn an affadavit and is considering action on Mr Beckham's defamatory comments."
In an affadavit, the former actress said Law's actions ``increased the effects of post-natal depression, leading me to have to take treatment three times''.
In a two-page statement in response to the Orange Order's request for a review of its decision, the Commission said it was "considerably encouraged" by the affadavit presented to them on behalf of the Portadown Orangemen by mediators in Belfast yesterday.
According to press reports of the hearing held on the ACLu challenge, it was an affadavit from journalist Friendly which convinced Ingham County Court Judge Peter Houk to put LaRouche on the ballot.