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A statement sworn to be true to the best of the maker's knowledge. An affidavit is notarized to prove its authenticity. A person who knowingly makes a false statement in an affidavit is guilty of perjury.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


A written statement signed by the person making the statement—the affiant—and sworn to as true and accurate.
The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Remind students that the affadavit related to a court case involving a particular patent.
"We also have an affadavit from Vinod Hindocha, the father of Anni Dewani - he was with Mr Dewani at that time - and confirms that Mr Dewani left his company without explanation after receiving a phone call, and that has been confirmed from telephone records."
Last night, Scott said: "I have never in my life had to swear an affadavit to prove I was telling the truth.
According to the arrest affadavit, Bluestein said he was approached by an Irishwoman calling herself Siobhan Browne at a gun show in Fort Lauderdale in April.
I have an affadavit from the developer proving that I don't owe them a penny."
And former paratrooper Peter McMullen has signed an affadavit which shows how he was given preferential treatment and a shorter prison sentence for making the claims in the first place.
The paper had handed Clarence House a signed affadavit by Smith, in which he claimed to have witnessed an incident involving Charles.
In an affadavit filed by Hamner and his team, they said: "Shanabarger said he planned to make Amy feel the way he did when his father died.
The association will swear in an affadavit on Tuesday - but it now seems likely that the matter won't be dealt with by Judge Vivion Laval until next Friday at the earliest.
But Morris has asked the State Attorney to fax back questions and O'Connell - who scored the fight a draw - will answer them in a sworn affadavit.
The Reds are in court this morning to swear in an affadavit - they're looking for an interim injunction against the decision of arbitrator Liam Reidy to award nine points back to St Pat's recently.
"And I have an affadavit from his second wife Gail in which she says he paid for her 1985 abortion and did not try to stop her from having it.