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Related to affairs: Extramarital affairs


Social medicine A prolonged sexual liaison, usually understood to mean one in which one or both partners are committing adultery.
Workplace As commonly used, a compromise of public trust, significant ethical breach or other wrongdoing or series of wrongdoings, which may lead to civil litigation or criminal proceedings.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Sexology A long-term sexual liaison, usually understood to mean one in which one or both partners are committing adultery Vox populi As commonly used, a major whoops–faux pas, boo-boo, etc between 2 or more people. See Baltimore affair, Burt affair, Cantekin affair, Cleveland affair, Slutsky affair, Swine influenza vaccine affair.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in classic literature ?
The marriage is not yet a settled affair, for they are awaiting news from Russia.
That being so, picture to yourself the issue of the affair--an affair which will not quite end as you think it will."
I have said that the affair may prove to be diverting, and even clever, and that possibly you may attain something by it; yet none the less I tell you" (he said this only because he saw me rise and reach for my hat) "that I have come hither also to hand you these few words from a certain person.
He would probably have been unable to state the cause of his embarrassment, but it resulted from the state of his affairs. He did not know at all how much he had, what his debts amounted to, or what dowry he could give Vera.
The cardinal made the king a sign, which signified, "That was on account of the affair about which I spoke to you."
"Monsieur de Treville," said the cardinal, with the greatest phlegm, "does not tell your Majesty that this innocent Musketeer, this gallant man, had only an hour before attacked, sword in hand, four commissaries of inquiry, who were delegated by myself to examine into an affair of the highest importance."
"And yet, Monsieur le Frondeur," said Mazarin gayly, "the affair which you have taken in charge must, from the king "
An affair of state, gentlemen," added he, waving his hand to all who filled the chamber, and who, the Prince de Conde at their head, all disappeared at the simple gesture.
"They'll have to get a hard rap on the knuckles over this affair. We must be in a position to - What is your general idea, stated shortly?
Therefore directly the character of this affair suggested itself to me, I thought it should be dealt with with special secrecy, and ventured to come over here."
The marshal of the field was lost in astonishment at the words of Tosilos; and as he was one of those who were privy to the arrangement of the affair he knew not what to say in reply.
The people dispersed, the duke and Don Quixote returned to the castle, they locked up Tosilos, Dona Rodriguez and her daughter remained perfectly contented when they saw that any way the affair must end in marriage, and Tosilos wanted nothing else.