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AOTHAspect of the Hawk (gaming, World of Warcraft)
AOTHAdvanced Over the Horizon
AOTHAffairs of the Heart (website; UK)
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References in classic literature ?
I know that young men in general do not admit of any enquiry even from their nearest relations into affairs of the heart, but I hope, my dear Reginald, that you will be superior to such as allow nothing for a father's anxiety, and think themselves privileged to refuse him their confidence and slight his advice.
He gave me a Southern smile and shrug of comprehension, as one acquainted with affairs of the heart,--which was a relief after the cockney tramp's impudent expression of, no doubt, a precisely similar sentiment.
"There has never been an instance of a bluestocking being carried away by affairs of the heart"- a statement which, though gathered from an unknown source, he believed implicitly.
Women would have loved him, and would have told him so in the overt and fervid manner usual in affairs of the heart in the shadowy depths of the forest of the Gold Coast.
I know I should," Miss cried, who had nevertheless gone through one or two affairs of the heart without any idea of suicide.
Strickland was certainly forty, and I thought it disgusting that a man of his age should concern himself with affairs of the heart. With the superciliousness of extreme youth, I put thirty-five as the utmost limit at which a man might fall in love without making a fool of himself.
Now came the period of his early manhood, when various affairs of the heart must either be concealed or revealed; here again Mrs.
If the reader has not observed ere this that I was the declared admirer of Miss Fayaway, all I can say is that he is little conversant with affairs of the heart, and I certainly shall not trouble myself to enlighten him any farther.
This is what we sincere and diffident men have to contend with in affairs of the heart. Our bosoms may be torn with ten thousand distracting cares, and yet the modesty of a truly virtuous female heart shall be so absorbed in its own placid serenity as to be indifferent to the pangs it is unconsciously inflicting!"
There was no prudery about him; he would not decline to join a pleasure party; he in no way offended against military standards; but when questioned as to his affairs of the heart, he either kept silence or answered with a jest.
I discovered afterwards that Miss Lavinia was an authority in affairs of the heart, by reason of there having anciently existed a certain Mr.
In his affairs of the heart Mr Verloc had been always carelessly generous, yet always with no other idea than that of being loved for himself.