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References in classic literature ?
Crimsworth, elegantly dressed in satin and lace, blooming in youth and health, vouchsafed me no more notice than was expressed by a distant move; Crimsworth, of course, never spoke to me; I was introduced to none of the band of young ladies, who, enveloped in silvery clouds of white gauze and muslin, sat in array against me on the opposite side of a long and large room; in fact, I was fairly isolated, and could but contemplate the shining ones from affar, and when weary of such a dazzling scene, turn for a change to the consideration of the carpet pattern.
of induced treated in health abortions facilities for complications of induced abortion 6.3 7.3 8.3 All 52,607 329,843 382,450 435,056 Tigray 3,001 18,815 21,816 24,817 Amhara 8,483 53,188 61,670 70,153 Oromiya 18,586 116,537 135,123 153,710 SNNP 10,123 63,469 73,592 83,715 Addis Ababa 6,156 38,600 44,756 50,912 4 rural regions * 2,754 17,265 20,019 22,772 2 urban regions [dagger] 3,504 21,969 25,473 28,977 * Includes Affar, Somali, Benishangul-Gumuz and Gambela.
The Village of Bishop Hill and Ann Marie Stodgel d/b/a/Antik Affar and Martin Stodgel, returned a verdict against the village in the amount of $23,500.
The proportion of women with severe morbidity was highest in Tigray (35%) and in the region encompassing Affar, Somali, Benishangul-Gumuz and Gambela (32%), the most isolated and rural areas in the country; access to safe abortion, and to health care in general, is poor in these regions.
What the protagonist finally discovers is that Elena's affair with him has been truncated "da affar di denaro, da una utilita materiale, da un negozio" (Piacere 245): by marrying Lord Heathfield she has been able skillfully to avoid a financial disaster.
Province) and Tal Affar (in Nineveh Province), which both have Turkmen
On January 21, 2014, the government announced it had decided to convert several districts into new provinces: Fallujah (in Anbar Province), a hotbed of Sunni restiveness; Tuz Khurmato (in Salahuddin Province) and Tal Affar (in Nineveh Province), which both have Turkmen majorities; and the Nineveh Plains (also in Nineveh), which has a mostly Assyrian Christian population.
The peshmerga primarily remain in Kurdish areas to protect Kurdish inhabitants there, but some have joined the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and have served mostly in Arab northern cities such as Mosul and Tal Affar but also in Sunni areas, in the Baghdad "troop surge," and in the March 2008 crackdown on Shiite militias in Basra.
However, some peshmerga and other Kurds have joined coalition-trained national Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and have served in some mostly Arab northern cities such as Mosul and Tal Affar. Others served in the 2007 "Baghdad security plan" that accompanied the U.S.
Some are in the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and are deployed mostly in such northern cities as Mosul and Tal Affar. Peshmerga have sometimes fought each other; in May 1994, the KDP and the PUK clashed with each other over territory, customs revenues, and control over the Kurdish regional government in Irbil.