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Synonyms for affably

in an affable manner

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References in classic literature ?
Katerina Ivanovna stands in the place of a mother to you?" Pyotr Petrovitch began with great dignity, though affably.
But he suddenly smiled affably, replaced his hands in his pockets after raising his hat, and said:
The three young men bowed to each other courteously, if not affably.
He talked affably, and even gently, as we went along the street; he had never been so civil to me in his life.
"It is all a question of a force; of establishing communications for a force," replied that adept, affably, ignoring some military mutterings about the police force.
'Not half,' said Mr Parsons, affably. 'Look here'--he turned to the gaping proprietor--'if you go on like this you'll be getting yourself into trouble.
"As to Reform, sir, put it in a family light," he said, rattling the small silver in his pocket, and smiling affably. "Will it support Mrs.
They nodded affably when Fanny introduced her, said something civil, and made room for her at the table round which they sat waiting for Monsieur.
"Is there any other point which you would like to ask about?" asked the convict, affably.
"Well, you see I tend to disagree," replies Alex affably. "I tend to disagree.
The award-winning actress also shines bright in the girls-day-out scenes; her crackling chemistry with her friends -- played affably by Ushna Shah and Azekah Daniel -- is worth a dekko.
Grassley affably but unbendingly explained to her that there would be no agreement without agriculture.
It is written by two personal friends who affably disagree on a variety of policy questions.
Hubert Humphrey would have contributed far more to the public weal and happiness had he spent his life dispensing bromides as an affably garrulous pharmacist in Doland, South Dakota.
That early, Resil struck one as a no-nonsense writer of extraordinary intelligence and literary acumen, one who also comported himself modestly and affably.