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Deposition; a pledge, oath, or statement by a person about certain facts, which is written and sworn to in the presence of a person authorised to administer such an oath, such as a notary public (US).
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Forensic medicine Deposition; a sworn pledge, oath, or statement by a person about certain facts. See testimony.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"We're waiting for the affadavit to arrive, so it could be Wednesday before it's sworn in," he confirmed.
Legal expert Peter Watson said: "The divorce could happen within days of the affadavit being lodged."
An unidentified parent and her seven-year-old daughter claimed in an affadavit there has been a lack of effective policing to protect them.
They will be focusing on claims that cash changed hands after Badar was approached to sign an affadavit saying he witnessed a plot by rivals to wreck Sarwar's election campaign.
"His immediate family have signed an affadavit confirming that all understood David's grandfather was born in Edinburgh.
He says his mum is willing to swear an affadavit to that effect but the 31-year-old is trying to spare her public embarrassment.
Assets were "systematically drained" by him, says an FBI affadavit.
In her sworn affadavit, Monica had told Starr's team of the ties she had given Clinton.
In her affadavit, 32-year-old Victoria said: "I am concerned by comments that I 'dithered' as to whether to attend the funeral.
In her affadavit, she said of the breakdown of their marriage: "The marriage finally ended one evening in about August 1994.
But the FAI contend that the appeal was heard within 14 days, if Saturdays and Sundays are included, and they will lodge an affadavit with the court on Monday.
Affadavits to initiate a recall election were filed two weeks ago with the town clerk and the Board of Registrars certified the signatures.