This template is archived. The content was relevant to a previous formatting of WARFRAME Wiki. Please do not use or delete this template. It is being saved for later potential use.
Weapon Slot Weapon
Weapon Type Weapon
Polarities None


Brizingr5: (11/20/13)
  • New Infobox... again...
  • New fields to support Damage 2.0

Twilight053: (12/12/13)

  • New Punch Through field for innate puncture.

Brizingr5: 23:42, December 19, 2013 (UTC)

  • Adding Icons

KyteM: 04:43 UTC, December 21, 2013

  • Added pellet count field

Twilight053: 07:46 9 Mar 2014 (UTC)

  • Optimizing and compacting the melee infobox.

Twilight053: 00:35:55 11 Mar 2014 (UTC)

  • Adding the "user" section for Dartmuffin's Enemy weapon.

Twilight053: 16 Apr 2014 (UTC)

  • Apparently melees can stagger now.

Flaicher (talk) 15:49, April 16, 2014 (UTC)

  • Added melee stance polarity

Twilight053: 09:36:00 29 Apr 2014 (UTC)

  • Removing Max Targets from the table, all melees can hit multiple targets now.

SonyaUliana: 30 Apr 2014

  • Added Stamina and Wall Attack fields to melee. Hope I did this right.

SonyaUliana: 17 June 2014

  • Added "Introduced" field for updates.

Twilight053: 17:32:17 20 Jun 2014 (UTC)

  • Added "secondary attack" into the field, for more weapons like Mutalist Quanta.

ChickenBar (talk) 23:16, August 15, 2014 (UTC)

Darthmufin 13:29, Oct 2013 (UTC)

  • Redirecting noise level field to new noise level page after revisions on weapon noise levels

Twilight053 14:48, December 19, 2014 (UTC)

  • Changing Crit Damage into Crit Multiplier

~KettleTicket~ 18:17, November 19, 2016 (UTC)

  • Added Riven Disposition collapse in Utility section

daExile 09:00, April 25, 2017 (UTC)

  • Tweaked disposition display to accept simple dot numbers (1-5), should be compatible with old inputs too

~KettleTicket~ 23:31, May 11, 2017 (UTC)

  • Added automated weapon type category.

User:Falterfire (7/22/17)

  • Now autogenerates the list of stance mods from Module:Weapons if stance is set to 'auto'

User:Falterfire (8/3/17)

  • The infobox image is now set as the main image when pulling image previews in things like Facebook or Discord.

CzechOut (10/3/17)

  • Changed class name from "infobox" to "ibox" for better integration with some backend FANDOM scripts.

Please copy the ENTIRE blank template for whatever weapon type you are using into the page you intend on using it on. Leave any values you do not know or that do not apply blank.

Usage Ranged

| name                                = Name of the weapon
| image                               = The image of the weapon. Usually WeaponName.png
| mastery level                       = Minimum mastery level required to equip
| slot                                = Slot this weapon equips to
| type                                = Type of the weapon
| trigger                             = Trigger type
| projectile speed                    = Projectile Speed for projectile weapons
| noise level                         = Numeric value for noise

| rate of fire                        = Base attack rate
| accuracy                            = Accuracy
| zoom                                = Zoom multiplier for the weapon
| spread                              = Spread from the aim reticule
| recoil                              = Recoil of the aim reticule per shot
| clip                                = Base Clip/Mag Size
| max ammo                            = Base Amount Size
| reload                              = Base Reload Speed
| disposition                         = Number of dots representing Riven Disposition

| physical damage                     = Base net damage for the following three
| impact damage                       = Base impact damage
| puncture damage                     = Base puncture damage
| slash damage                        = Base slash damage
| elemental damage type               = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| elemental damage                    = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| crit chance                         = Crit chance
| crit damage                         = Crit Damage
| punch through                       = Base Punch Through length
| stat proc                           = Chance to proc elemental effects

| charge physical damage              = Base net damage for the following three
| charge impact damage                = Base impact damage
| charge puncture damage              = Base puncture damage
| charge slash damage                 = Base slash damage
| charge elemental damage type        = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| charge elemental damage             = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| charge speed                        = Base Charge Speed
| charge crit chance                  = charge attack crit chance
| charge crit damage                  = charge attack crit damage
| charge punch through                = Base Punch Through length on charge attacks
| charge stat proc                    = Chance to proc elemental effects on charge attacks

| secondary physical damage           = Base net damage for the following three
| secondary impact damage             = Base impact damage
| secondary puncture damage           = Base puncture damage
| secondary slash damage              = Base slash damage
| secondary elemental damage type     = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| secondary elemental damage          = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| secondary crit chance               = secondary attack crit chance
| secondary crit damage               = secondarry attack crit damage
| secondary punch through             = Base Punch Through length on secondary attacks
| secondary stat proc                 = Base proc chance on secondary attacks
| secondary ammo usage                = Base Ammo consumption on secondary attacks.

| polarities                          = The polarities that the weapon has
| introduced                          = When the weapon was added to the game. Use the Update version number and link for this field.  
| notes                               = Notes for the weapon

Blank Values Ranged

| name                                = 
| image                               = 
| mastery level                       = 
| slot                                = 
| type                                = 

| trigger                             = 
| projectile speed                    = 
| noise level                         = 
| rate of fire                        = 
| pellets                             = 
| accuracy                            = 
| zoom                                = 
| spread                              = 
| recoil                              = 
| clip                                = 
| max ammo                            = 
| reload                              = 
| disposition                         = 

| physical damage                     = 
| impact damage                       = 
| puncture damage                     = 
| slash damage                        = 
| elemental damage type               = 
| elemental damage                    = 
| crit chance                         = 
| crit damage                         = 
| punch through                       = 
| stat proc                           = 

| charge physical damage              = 
| charge impact damage                = 
| charge puncture damage              = 
| charge slash damage                 = 
| charge elemental damage type        = 
| charge elemental damage             = 
| charge speed                        = 
| charge crit chance                  = 
| charge crit damage                  = 
| charge punch through                = 
| charge stat proc                    = 

| aoe physical damage                 = 
| aoe impact damage                   = 
| aoe puncture damage                 = 
| aoe slash damage                    = 
| aoe elemental damage type           = {{Icon|Proc|Toxin|text}}
| aoe elemental damage                = 40/sec
| aoe speed                           = 
| aoe crit chance                     = 10.0
| aoe crit damage                     = 2.0

| polarities                          = 
| introduced                          = 
| notes                               = 

Usage Melee

| name                                = Name of the weapon
| image                               = The image of the weapon. Usually WeaponName.png
| mastery level                       = Minimum mastery level required to equip
| slot                                = Slot this weapon equips to
| type                                = Type of the weapon
| projectile speed                    = Projectile Speed for projectile weapons

| physical damage                     = Base net damage for the following three
| impact damage                       = Base impact damage
| puncture damage                     = Base puncture damage
| slash damage                        = Base slash damage
| elemental damage type               = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| elemental damage                    = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| crit chance                         = normal attack Crit chance
| crit damage                         = normal attack Crit Damage
| attack rate                         = normal attack rate
| stat proc                           = Chance to proc elemental effects

| charge physical damage              = Base net damage for the following three
| charge impact damage                = Base impact damage
| charge puncture damage              = Base puncture damage
| charge slash damage                 = Base slash damage
| charge elemental damage type        = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| charge elemental damage             = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| charge speed                        = Base Charge Speed
| charge cleave                       = Base swing speed for charge attacks
| charge crit chance                  = charge attack crit chance
| charge crit damage                  = charge attack crit damage
| charge stat proc                    = charge attack stat proc IF different 

| jump physical damage                = Base net damage for the following three
| jump impact damage                  = Base impact damage
| jump puncture damage                = Base puncture damage
| jump slash damage                   = Base slash damage
| jump elemental damage type          = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| jump elemental damage               = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| jump crit chance                    = normal attack Crit chance
| jump crit damage                    = normal attack Crit Damage

| slam physical damage                = Base net damage for the following three
| slam impact damage                  = Base impact damage
| slam puncture damage                = Base puncture damage
| slam slash damage                   = Base slash damage
| slam elemental damage type          = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| slam elemental damage               = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| slam radius                         = Slam Radius

| slide physical damage               = Base net damage for the following three
| slide impact damage                 = Base impact damage
| slide puncture damage               = Base puncture damage
| slide slash damage                  = Base slash damage
| slide elemental damage type         = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| slide elemental damage              = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| slide crit chance                   = normal attack Crit chance
| slide crit damage                   = normal attack Crit Damage

| wall physical damage                = Base net damage for the following three
| wall impact damage                  = Base impact damage
| wall puncture damage                = Base puncture damage
| wall slash damage                   = Base slash damage
| wall elemental damage type          = Base damage type (only use if elemental)
| wall elemental damage               = Base damage (only use if elemental)
| wall crit chance                    = normal attack Crit chance
| wall crit damage                    = normal attack Crit Damage

| finisher damage                     = Damage dealt when attacking a knocked-down target.  
| max targets                         = Maximum amount of targets the weapon can hit in a single attack
| cleave radius                       = Attack range of the weapon
| polarities                          = The polarities that the weapon has
| stancemod                           = The Stance mods weapon can be equipped with
| stance                              = The melee stance polarity of the weapon
| introduced                          = Update weapon was introduced in
| notes                               = Notes for the weapon

Blank Values Melee

| name                                = 
| image                               = 
| mastery level                       = 
| slot                                = 
| type                                = 
| projectile speed                    = 

| physical damage                     = 
| impact damage                       = 
| puncture damage                     = 
| slash damage                        = 
| elemental damage type               = 
| elemental damage                    = 
| crit chance                         = 
| crit damage                         = 
| attack rate                         = 
| stat proc                           = 

| charge physical damage              = 
| charge impact damage                = 
| charge puncture damage              = 
| charge slash damage                 = 
| charge elemental damage type        = 
| charge elemental damage             = 
| charge speed                        = 
| charge cleave                       = 
| charge crit chance                  = 
| charge crit damage                  = 
| charge stat proc                    = 

| jump physical damage                = 
| jump impact damage                  = 
| jump puncture damage                = 
| jump slash damage                   = 
| jump elemental damage type          = 
| jump elemental damage               = 
| jump crit chance                    = 
| jump crit damage                    = 

| slam physical damage                = 
| slam impact damage                  = 
| slam puncture damage                = 
| slam slash damage                   = 
| slam elemental damage type          = 
| slam elemental damage               = 
| slam radius                         = 

| slide physical damage               = 
| slide impact damage                 = 
| slide puncture damage               = 
| slide slash damage                  = 
| slide elemental damage type         = 
| slide elemental damage              = 
| slide crit chance                   = 
| slide crit damage                   = 

| wall physical damage                = 
| wall impact damage                  = 
| wall puncture damage                = 
| wall slash damage                   = 
| wall elemental damage type          = 
| wall elemental damage               = 
| wall crit chance                    = 
| wall crit damage                    = 

| finisher damage                     = 
| max targets                         = 
| cleave radius                       = 
| polarities                          = 
| stancemod                           = 
| stance                              = 
| notes                               = 
