
This template is used in Organization Rooms and Interactive Rooms, as resource requirement tables for each Dojo Room in Clan Dojo.


| creditghost            = credit cost for Ghost Clan
| creditshadow           = credit cost for Shadow Clan
| creditstorm            = credit cost for Storm Clan
| creditmountain         = credit cost for Mountain Clan
| creditmoon             = credit cost for Moon Clan
| resource1              = first resource required (you do not need to link it)
| resource1ghost         = resource cost for Ghost Clan
| resource1shadow        = resource cost for Shadow Clan
| resource1storm         = resource cost for Storm Clan
| resource1mountain      = resource cost for Mountain Clan
| resource1moon          = resource cost for Moon Clan
| resource2              = second resource required
| resource2ghost         = resource cost for Ghost Clan
| resource2shadow        = resource cost for Shadow Clan
| resource2storm         = and so on
| resource2mountain      = and so on
| resource2moon          = blahblahblah
| resource3              = third resource required
| resource3ghost         = resource cost for Ghost Clan
| resource3shadow        = resource cost for Shadow Clan
| resource3storm         = 
| resource3mountain      =
| resource3moon          =
| resource4              = forth resource requried
| resource4ghost         = resource cost for Ghost Clan
| resource4shadow        = resource cost for Shadow Clan
| resource4storm         =
| resource4mountain      =
| resource4moon          =
| pic                    = picture in Dojo UI
| cap                    = capacity +/-
| ene                    = energy +/-
| doors                  = # of doors
| decorcap               = decor capacity
|gallery1                = image for collapsible gallery (optional)
|gallerycap1             = caption for the image
|gallery2                =
|gallerycap2             =
|gallery3                =
|gallerycap3             =
|gallery4                =
|gallerycap4             =
|gallery5                =
|gallerycap5             =
|gallery6                =
|gallerycap6             =
|gallery7                =
|gallerycap7             =
|gallery8                =
|gallerycap8             =
|gallery9                =
|gallerycap9             =
|gallery10               =
|gallerycap10            =

Blank Values

| creditghost            = 
| creditshadow           =
| creditstorm            =
| creditmountain         = 
| creditmoon             = 
| resource1              =
| resource1ghost         = 
| resource1shadow        = 
| resource1storm         = 
| resource1mountain      = 
| resource1moon          = 
| resource2              =
| resource2ghost         =
| resource2shadow        =
| resource2storm         =
| resource2mountain      =
| resource2moon          =
| resource3              =
| resource3ghost         =
| resource3shadow        =
| resource3storm         =
| resource3mountain      =
| resource3moon          =
| resource4              =
| resource4ghost         =
| resource4shadow        =
| resource4storm         =
| resource4mountain      =
| resource4moon          =
| pic                    = 
| cap                    = 
| ene                    = 
| doors                  =
| decorcap               = 
|gallery1                = 
|gallerycap1             =
|gallery2                =
|gallerycap2             =
|gallery3                =
|gallerycap3             =
|gallery4                =
|gallerycap4             =
|gallery5                =
|gallerycap5             =
|gallery6                =
|gallerycap6             =
|gallery7                =
|gallerycap7             =
|gallery8                =
|gallerycap8             =
|gallery9                =
|gallerycap9             =
|gallery10               =
|gallerycap10            =
