Strength Mods


Duration Mods


Range Mods



| ability1          = First Ability name
| ability1icon      = First Ability image in game
| ability1strength  = optional flag indicating Strength mods affect ability1
| ability1duration  = optional flag indicating Duration mods affect ability1
| ability1range     = optional flag indicating Range mods affect ability1
| ability2          = Second Ability name
| ability2icon      = Second Ability image in game
| ability2strength  = optional flag indicating Strength mods affect ability2
| ability2duration  = optional flag indicating Duration mods affect ability2
| ability2range     = optional flag indicating Range mods affect ability2
| ability3          = Third Ability name
| ability3icon      = Third Ability image in game
| ability3strength  = optional flag indicating Strength mods affect ability3
| ability3duration  = optional flag indicating Duration mods affect ability3
| ability3range     = optional flag indicating Range mods affect ability3
| ability4          = Fourth Ability name
| ability4icon      = Fourth Ability image in game
| ability4strength  = optional flag indicating Strength mods affect ability4
| ability4duration  = optional flag indicating Duration mods affect ability4
| ability4range     = optional flag indicating Range mods affect ability4
| archwing          = optional flag indicating mods apply to an Archwing
| hidemods          = optional flag to remove mod previews (true to remove modcards only, anything else to entirely remove header)

Blank Values[]

| ability1          = 
| ability1icon      = 
| ability1strength  = true
| ability1duration  = true
| ability1range     = true
| ability2          = 
| ability2icon      = 
| ability2strength  = true
| ability2duration  = true
| ability2range     = true
| ability3          = 
| ability3icon      = 
| ability3strength  = true
| ability3duration  = true
| ability3range     = true
| ability4          = 
| ability4icon      = 
| ability4strength  = true
| ability4duration  = true
| ability4range     = true
| archwing          =

Blank Values (by Attribute)[]

| ability1          = 
| ability1icon      = 
| ability2          = 
| ability2icon      = 
| ability3          = 
| ability3icon      = 
| ability4          = 
| ability4icon      = 
| ability1strength  = true
| ability2strength  = true
| ability3strength  = true
| ability4strength  = true
| ability1duration  = true
| ability2duration  = true
| ability3duration  = true
| ability4duration  = true
| ability1range     = true
| ability2range     = true
| ability3range     = true
| ability4range     = true
| archwing          =