Valorant Wiki

The American chemist, Viper deploys an array of poisonous chemical devices to control the battlefield and choke the enemy's vision. If the toxins don't kill her prey, her mind games surely will.
— Official description

Viper is an Agent in VALORANT and one of the first Controllers available to play since the Closed Beta.



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VALORANT Lore Wiki: Viper

American chemist Sabine Callas was a pivotal figure during the modern rediscovery of radianite. A distinguished scientist working at Kingdom Corporation, she had been one of the first to investigate the substance when the organization came across it. However, news of what Callas and Kingdom were about to uncover reached the Scions of Hourglass, an organization that already secretly knew about radianite and didn't want its existence to become public knowledge again to Alpha. Hourglass proceeded to send their most talented asset, the assassin "Ghost", to kill Callas. On the day of the attempted assassination however while Callas was working in her lab, she was able to defend herself, with Ghost being hit in the face by a vial of chemicals she had been holding before he had then ended up being trapped in a test chamber that Callas proceeded to activate while he was still inside.

Everything changed for Callas after the incident. She became more isolated, shedding all the pieces of her life in the name of vengeance. Ghost meanwhile had been transformed by the process he had gone through in the test chamber to become a phantom without any memory of who he used to be. Seeing an opportunity to keep her would-be killer contained, Callas lied to him about knowing anything of his past, allowing him to work alongside her instead. Eventually, the two would go on to leave Kingdom upon the founding of the secretive VALORANT Protocol, alongside fellow Kingdom colleague Liam Byrne. With Byrne becoming the organization's commander, "Brimstone", Callas took the call sign "Viper" and became his second-in-command, while Ghost became its third agent "Omen". Viper would go on to be involved with the recruitment of new agents and has been active in many of their missions, operating in places like Rabat and Thimphu against the Omega Earth threat to Alpha.

More recently however, Omen has since come to discover who he was and that Viper has been keeping this from him all this time, leading to a new animosity between the two. Omen's search for answers though have now put VALORANT into conflict with Viper's old enemy, the Scions of Hourglass. As the Protocol as a whole looks to investigate the SoH for its activities both before and after the modern rediscovery of radianite, its new focus on them may give Viper the chance at last to deliver vengeance against the organization that wanted her dead all those years ago.


  • Callas has links to Seattle.[1]
  • Callas gains a doctorate.[2]
  • Callas becomes the youngest recipient of the R. Francis Prize.[2]
  • Callas wins the Denton Outstanding Innovation Award.[2]
  • Callas works for Kingdom Corporation.
    • She eventually becomes the first Chief Scientific Officer on its Board of Advisors.[2]
    • She is involved with Kingdom's activities in Rabat, Morocco.[3]
  • Callas is targeted by the Scions of Hourglass assassin Ghost.[4]
    • Ghost attempts to kill her while she is working at a Kingdom facility but she is able to defend herself, with Ghost ending up trapped within a test chamber.
    • She then activates the chamber, with the result turning Ghost from a man into a phantom.
  • Callas works with Wei Ling Ying.
    • Their collaboration does not go as planned, with Callas recalling that Wei failed at her role in their efforts.[5]
  • Callas does some work to do with healing.[6]


  • Recruited as its second agent.
    • Viper worked with Brimstone to set up the organization.[7]
    • She is the second-in-command for the organization.[8]
  • Viper works with Reyna to find a solution for keeping the Mexican's little sister, Lucia, alive.[9]
  • Viper is involved with Erik Torsten's recruitment as a VALORANT agent.[10]
  • Viper is assigned as a member of the Rabat strike team.[11]
    • She arrives with Phoenix aboard the Vulture to assist Killjoy in preventing a spike detonation.
    • She confers with Killjoy about how to create and operate a device that can prevent the spike from detonating.
    • She aids Phoenix when he is caught off guard in his attempt to apprehend the hostile, revealed to be his own Omega counterpart, forcing Omega Phoenix to retreat from the site.
  • Viper is assigned as a member of the Thimphu strike team.[12]
    • She helps to hold the Legion agents back, sustaining an injury to her shoulder.

The Omega Project[]

  • Viper is assigned as the leading member of the Everett-Linde data recovery mission.[13]
  • Viper encounters Vincent Fabron on a mission with Brimstone, leading to Fabron's recruitment into VALORANT as Chamber.[14]
    • She decides to keep a constant eye on Chamber to ease Brimstone's concerns about how trustworthy he is.[15]

The Blackmailer[]

  • Viper requests for Brimstone to look into recruiting more scouts for VALORANT to give them more sources of information besides Sova and Cypher.[16]

Continuing the Omega Project[]

  • Viper updates Brimstone on her work with Reyna and their attempts to save Lucia.[9]
    • Viper requests that Reyna be assigned to more missions because they need her to collect more life energy. This is due to the current transfer process from Reyna to Lucia being inefficient.
    • Viper still doesn't have a solution but is adamant that they owe it to Reyna to try, though she voices concern about what Reyna will do should they fail to keep Lucia alive.

Journey into the City of Flowers[]

  • Viper reports that public sightings of Legion are down as the Omega organization prepares to activate their City of Flowers, and she expresses concern over the gambles Legion is effectively making.[17]
  • Viper agrees to changes to Protocol policy proposed by Brimstone regarding fraternization, much to her annoyance about the amount of time being wasted on such a trivial issue.[18]

Project Landfall[]

  • Viper implores Brimstone to reply to an old K-SEC colleague of his who had reached out looking for intel that would help Project Landfall, so that they could be convinced about the catastrophic consequences Landfall could have instead.[19]

Scions of Hourglass[]

  • Viper voices concerns to Brimstone about Omen's recent obsession with Iso, believing it to be a danger to VALORANT, and suggests countermeasures.[20]
  • After the Jakarta strike team completes its mission, Viper requests a full report from them.[4]
  • Viper justifies her choice to keep Omen's past a secret to Brimstone and urges him to keep an eye on Omen now that he knows the truth.[21]
  • A new animosity is reported to have developed between Viper and Omen.[22]
  • Viper tries to understand why Hourglass would still be operating after they failed in their mission to prevent humanity from rediscovering radianite.[23]


   "They call me a monster. Shall I prove them right?"
— Viper (Match Start)

Viper is a savage and confident agent who doesn't fear enemies, and in fact desires the enemies' fear. She does not hesitate to call herself a villain and a monster, and will act like both if it means the success of her objective. Just like her abilities, she can be quite "toxic", however she is seen being more amiable and caring towards her teammates, but she will not hesitate to reprimand them harshly should they make major miscalculations in the battlefield.

Several agents have observed that Viper bottles a lot of violent anger within her. Viper has implied that her enemies have taken many things from her, and that she will stop at nothing to achieve her revenge.


Attracting attention with her jet black hair and venom green eyes, Viper also has a black mask. When Viper uses her ultimate ability, this mask turns into a gas mask which covers her whole head. She dons a green skin-tight body suit accompanied by sharp black shoulder plates, and wears customized gloves wherein she can release her toxic gasses. She wears black boots that reach her thighs, and she carries a container on her back which carries her toxins.



You gradually generate and replenish the toxin that fuels your abilities.

Duration: Duration 12 s max, 8.5 s max if both abilities activated Cooldown: Cooldown 30 s to replenish from 0-100 Health: Health 100 Fuel

Enemies that cross through Viper's Poison Cloud Poison Cloud, Toxic Screen Toxic Screen, or Viper's Pit Viper's Pit are instantly inflicted with Decay. Their Decay level increases the longer they remain in contact with it.

Duration: Duration 1.5 s Debuff: Debuff -30 HP Decay on initial contact, then -10 HP/sec


Snake Bite

EQUIP a chemical launcher. FIRE to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages and applies Vulnerable.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 300 Duration: Duration 6.5 s Damage: Damage 12.5/s Debuff: Debuff 2 s Vulnerable

Poison Cloud

EQUIP a gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 200 Duration: Duration Minimum 2 s Cooldown: Cooldown 5 s (after deactivation) Debuff: Debuff Toxin


Toxic Screen

EQUIP a gas emitter launcher that penetrates terrain. FIRE to deploy a long line of gas emitters. RE-USE the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Free Duration: Duration Minimum 2 s Cooldown: Cooldown 5 s (after deactivation) Debuff: Debuff Toxin


Viper's Pit

EQUIP a chemical sprayer. FIRE to spray a chemical cloud in all directions around Viper, creating a large cloud that Nearsights players and Decays the health of enemies inside of it. HOLD the ability key to disperse the cloud early.

Cost:♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 9 points Windup: Windup 6 s Duration: Duration Indefinite whenever Viper is within, 8 s timer if she exits Debuff: Debuff Toxin

Agent Cosmetics[]

The following are cosmetics related to Viper from Agent Gear and from other sources (e.g. Battle Pass).


More information: Gear
Chapter 1
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Pick Your Poison Spray VALORANT Viper Card Large Player Title image Deadly Venom Spray Kingdom Credits
Pick Your Poison
Player Card:
Player Title:
Deadly Venom
Kingdom Credits:
Kingdom Credits 2,000 Kingdom Credits 2,500 Kingdom Credits 3,000 Kingdom Credits 3,500 -
Chapter 2
Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8 Tier 9 Tier 10
Venom Vial Buddy Viper Spray Player Title image One Dark Night Card Large Snakebite Shorty
Venom Vial
Player Title:
Player Card:
One Dark Night
Weapon Skin:
Snakebite Shorty
Kingdom Credits 4,500 Kingdom Credits 5,500 Kingdom Credits 6,500 Kingdom Credits 7,500 Kingdom Credits 8,000

Other cosmetics[]

Player Cards
Image Name Source
9 Lives Card Large 9 Lives Battle Pass:
EP 06 Act 1

Part of collection:
9 Lives
Doodle Buds Agents Card Large Doodle Buds // Agents Store:
Doodle Buds
Dropoff Card Large Dropoff Battle Pass:
EP 03 Act 1
Duality Card Large Duality Login Bonus
EP 5 DIMENSION Card Large EP 5 // DIMENSION Event Pass:
Escalation Card Large Escalation Battle Pass:
EP 03 Act 2
Home Again Viper Card Large Home Again // Viper Battle Pass:
EP 09 Act 1

Part of collection:
Home Again
Legion Card Large Legion Event Pass:
Meet Your Main Card Large Meet Your Main Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 2
MMXX Founder Card Large MMXX Founder Battle Pass:
EP 01 Act 1
Nothing To Lose Card Large Nothing To Lose Battle Pass:
EP 06 Act 3
Rank Up! Masters Tokyo 2023 Card Large Rank Up! // Masters Tokyo 2023
(banner only)
Rank Up! Masters Tokyo 2023 Card Wide
Broadcast Drops
Siphon Brew Card Large Siphon Brew Battle Pass:
EP 08 Act 2
Skin Shopping Card Large Skin Shopping Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 3
Unstoppable Viper Card Large Unstoppable // Viper Battle Pass:
EP 03 Act 3

Part of collection:
Valorant Console Beta Card Large Valorant Console Beta Miscellaneous
VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Viper Card Large VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Viper Store:
VERSUS Reyna + Viper Card Large VERSUS // Reyna + Viper Battle Pass:
EP 02 Act 3

Part of collection:
VERSUS Viper + Omen Card Large VERSUS // Viper + Omen Battle Pass:
EP 08 Act 1

Part of collection:
Image Name Source
9 Lives Spray 9 Lives Battle Pass:
EP 06 Act 1

Part of collection:
9 Lives
Exit Wound Spray Exit Wound Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 2
Maybe Next Time Spray Maybe Next Time Battle Pass:
EP 08 Act 3
Not Impressed Spray Not Impressed Battle Pass:
EP 03 Act 2
Party's Here Spray Party's Here Prime Gaming Drops
Power of Five Spray Power of Five Battle Pass:
EP 09 Act 1
Skeptical Viper Spray Skeptical Viper Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 3
Spark Shock Spray Spark Shock Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 3
Stay Safe Wash Your Hands Spray Stay Safe, Wash Your Hands Battle Pass:
EP 01 Act 3
VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Viper Spray VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Viper Store:
Woke Up Thinking Lineups Spray Woke Up Thinking Lineups Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 2
Weapon Skins
Image Edition Skin Weapon Variant Source
9 Lives Classic Viper Select 9 Lives Classic Viper Battle Pass:
EP 06 Act 1
9 Lives Guardian Viper Guardian Viper
9 Lives Phantom Viper Phantom Viper
9 Lives Ares Viper Ares Viper
Altitude Sheriff Deluxe Altitude Sheriff Store
Doodle Buds Shorty Premium Doodle Buds Shorty Base Store
Doodle Buds Stinger Stinger Base
Doodle Buds Phantom Phantom Base
Doodle Buds Ares Ares Base
VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Classic Premium VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Classic Store
Image Name Source
VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Viper Buddy VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Viper Store:


Update History[]



  • Fuel
    • Nerf Minimum fuel needed to activate smoke increased 20% >>> 30%
    • Nerf Max uptime on each individual smoke source reduced 13.5 >>> 12s
      • Fuel drain increased from 1 every 0.135 to 1 every 0.12 s
      • Fuel drain for both smokes being active increased from 1 every 0.09 to 1 every 0.08 s
  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Nerf Charges reduced 2 >>> 1
    • Nerf Price increased 200 >>> 300
    • Buff Duration increased 5.5 >>> 6.5s
  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Buff Cooldown on re-activating smokes after putting them down reduced 5.5 >>> 5s
    • Nerf Can now only be picked up during the Buy Phase
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Buff Cooldown on re-activating smokes after putting them down reduced 5.5 >>> 5s


  • Toxin
    • Adjustment Art update for debuff VFX
      • This is part of a miscellaneous change affecting the Decay debuff overall
  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Adjustment Art update for grenade


  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed an issue where it did not correctly block vision for enemies on the minimap and megamap.


  • Fuel
    • Nerf Max uptime on each individual smoke source reduced 15 >>> 13.5 s
      • Fuel drain increased from 1 every 0.15 to 1 every 0.135 s
      • Fuel drain for both smokes being active increased from 1 every 0.1 to 1 every 0.09 s
  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Buff Cooldown on re-activating smokes after putting them down reduced 8 >>> 5.5s
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Buff Cooldown on re-activating smokes after putting them down reduced 8 >>> 5.5s



  • Fuel
    • Nerf Reduced regeneration per second 5% >>> 3.3%
      • Regenerate to max fuel once empty 20s >>> 30s



  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Buff Now deals damage to all enemy objects
    • Adjustment Damage multiplier against specific enemy abilities set to 50%
  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Nerf Smoke integrity regen time 5 s >>> 25 s
    • Nerf Max time out of smoke decreased 15 s >>> 8 s
    • Nerf Ultimate points required 7 >>> 8


  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed a bug where Toxic Screen could have small gaps around ground level in specific map locations



  • Nerf Removed delay on Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud disabling when Viper is suppressed
  • Added Added a unique VO line that plays when Toxic Screen or Poison Cloud are disabled by suppress
  • Adjustment Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud emitters now have yellow lights to indicate when the abilities are on cooldown
  • Fuel
    • Nerf Fuel drain increased 50% when Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud are both active.
    • Added Fuel bar now turns red when Viper does not have enough to activate her abilities.
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Nerf Cooldown after deactivating increased 6 >>> 8
    • Nerf Cooldown timer now starts when her smoke starts dissipating instead of when the deactivation telegraph plays
      • Cooldown displayed on HUD actually starts on deactivation telegraph but combines both the deactivation and cooldown durations
    • Buff Deactivation delay decreased 1 >>> .8
    • Bugfix Fixed a bug where audio could play in the next round if the screen is activated right on round end
  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Nerf Cooldown after deactivating increased 6 >>> 8
    • Nerf Cooldown timer now starts when her smoke starts dissipating instead of when the deactivation telegraph plays
      • Cooldown displayed on HUD actually starts on deactivation telegraph but combines both the deactivation and cooldown durations
    • Buff Deactivation delay decreased 1 >>> .8
  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Nerf Duration decreased 6.5 >>> 5.5
  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Buff Improved the system used to place Viper's Pit at targeted ground location


  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed an exploit where, using specific line-ups, it was possible to see inside the pit without being affected by the nearsighted debuff
    • Bugfix Buff Fixed a bug where the pit would sometimes fail to expand through doorways


  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Nerf Updated the visuals for the dissolving effect seen within the smoke to better match the visuals seen from the outside, in an attempt to remove any type of peeker’s advantage when playing from within the smoke
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Bugfix Nerf Passing through the highest portion now correctly applies instant decay to high-flying Agents


  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Bugfix Fixed a bug where concurrent, overlapping ally and enemy Poison Clouds could cause the nearsight and decay to never remove



  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Bugfix Nerf Reverted an accidentally shipped bug that caused Viper's Pit to start forming at the cursor placement point instead of around Viper


  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Nerf Duration reduced 8 >>> 6.5
    • Nerf Cost increased 100 >>> 200
    • Buff Outer edges form faster to ensure it is lethal if an enemy sits in the entire duration


  • Toxin
    • Nerf Decay inflicted on initial contact reduced 50 HP >>> 30 HP


  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Bugfix Buff Fixed Poison Cloud pickup distance being 200 instead of the intended 400
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed Toxic Screen going longer than intended when it passed through the teleporter on Bind


  • Toxin
    • Bugfix Buff Fixed a bug when calculating if damage taken while decayed should be lethal for players with armor
      • Most noticeably, this was causing Marshal shots when the target was decayed 50 to reduce the enemy to 1 health instead of killing them


  • Bugfix Buff Fixed unintentional delay when deactivating Poison Cloud Poison Cloud or Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
  • Toxin
    • Buff Now instantly inflicts 50 HP Decay on initial contact
    • Nerf Decay over time decreased 15 HP/sec >>> 10 HP/sec
    • Nerf HP regen delay once no longer affected by Toxin decreased 2.5 seconds >>> 1.5 seconds
  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Buff Equip time decreased 1.1 >>> .8
  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Nerf Held charge is now temporary if gained from picking up a placed emitter and will not carry over to the next round
    • Buff Can now immediately be redeployed when picked up
    • Buff Pickup distance increased 200 >>> 400
    • Buff If active when Viper dies, Poison Cloud now remains up for an additional 2 seconds, or until Viper runs out of fuel.
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Buff If active when Viper dies, Toxic Screen now remains up for an additional 2 seconds before deactivating
    • Buff Full blind distance from the wall increased to better match the blind distance from the edge of smokes


  • Fuel
    • Buff Amount of fuel at round start increased 50 >>> 100
  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Buff Vulnerable debuff now lingers for 2 seconds after leaving Snake Bite
  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Buff Move speed doubled while casting
    • Buff Now fast equips weapon after casting
      • Re-equip times vary per gun—but on average will reduce weapon down time by .4 seconds


  • Toxin
    • Buff Decay on all smoke abilities no longer affects allies
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Buff Toxic Screen can now be placed during the buy phase of rounds, through spawn barriers
    • Buff Toxic Screen now goes up faster along its full length, once it starts to form
  • Viper's Pit Viper’s Pit
    • Buff The area of Viper’s Pit is now shown on her team’s minimap when deployed.


  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Bugfix Buff Fixed nearsight not applying properly when going through Toxic Screen


  • Fuel
  • Toxin
    • Buff Enemy decay per second increased 10 >>> 15
    • Buff After exiting Viper's smoke, enemy decay sustains for 2.5 seconds before starting to fade
  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Buff Max time allowed outside the cloud before it collapses increased 5 >>> 15 seconds
    • Buff Can now hold the ability key to drop the ult early
    • Buff Enemies in Viper’s Pit now have their minimap obscured and do not provide minimap detection to their allies
    • Buff Increased the brightness of the red enemy glow at the edge of Viper's near-sight


  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Buff Applies Vulnerable to enemies for a short time
      • Total damage taken from Snake Bite is unchanged
  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Nerf Activation cooldown increased .5s >>> 6s
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Buff Now burns through walls, placing emitters at all valid locations (e.g., the ground) over its length


  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed the ability to activate Poison Cloud mid air if it has been picked up
  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Bugfix Closed exploit where Nvidia Inspector could be used to see through Toxic Screen
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed a bug that let players use Toxic Screen's emitter deployment as a projectile boost


  • Snake Bite Snake Bite
    • Buff Radius increased 350 >>> 450
    • Buff Height required to jump out of Snake Bite increased 80 >> 120
    • Buff Damage tick speed increased (total damage per second unchanged)
  • Poison Cloud Poison Cloud
    • Buff No longer enters cooldown when picked up during the buy phase.


  • Toxic Screen Toxic Screen
    • Bugfix Buff Updated the appearance of Toxic Screen on the minimap to show gaps in the wall
  • Viper's Pit Viper's Pit
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed Viper being able to animation-cancel Viper’s Pit

Spotify Playlist[]





