Valorant Wiki
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   Enough of your technology! The future is Radiant!
— Reyna (Last Kill an enemy Tech)

Radiants are a select group of gifted individuals with hypernatural abilities.


Radiants gain their powers from how their unique genetics react to or are affected by events involving radianite, with certain factors also affecting how powerful a radiant's abilities can be. The variety of radiant powers can be grouped under a spectrum; whilst many radiants are the source of their own powers, other can have complications or can only gain access to radiant powers through using some sort of object.[1][2]

The most notable event resulting in the emergence of radiants was First Light, a mysterious event that affected the entirety of Earth. After First Light occurred, select people across the globe found themselves gaining hypernatural abilities, appearing to be the first known radiants, and these first few would go on to be referred to as "Children of First Light". As time went on, radiants quickly became an accepted part of society within ten years after First Light occurred, though some radiants don't feel that they are truly free to be themselves. Radiants make up only a relatively small section of the global population, and most of them have only limited levels of power. There are however a rare few with very high potential, and many of these people have ended up as agents of the VALORANT Protocol.[3][4][2]

Radiant Agents[]

There are currently twelve agents within the VALORANT organizations who are definitively classed as radiants.

Astra icon Astra[]

Astra's abilities allow her to harness cosmic energy. She describes herself as "literally" being on a higher plane, allowing her to see the world from a higher perspective and another dimension. She is able to create a variety of celestial bodies from miniature gravity wells, novas, and nebula-like smokes, to humongous walls of cosmic matter.

Clove icon Clove[]

Clove has the ability to harness the essences of life and immortality. From this they can form erupting fragments and clouds, and absorb the life force of fallen enemies. Whenever they are killed, Clove enters a junction between the realms of the living and the dead that they will journey through on their way to return to life and resurrect.

Fade icon Fade[]

Fade's radiance has resulted in the manifestation of a "Nightmare" entity in her mind. Using her abilities and her links with Nightmare that allow her to commune with it, she is able to manipulate a mist-like essence, commonly described as the power of raw fear. This allows her to create knots that can tether enemies, summon nightmarish entities that can either pursue enemies and blind them or scout areas to reveal enemy positions, and summon a mass of eldritch energy that trails, deafens and weakens enemies. She can also touch the minds of other people and see nightmare-visions to gain intel from them, though on rare occasions these interpretations can lead her astray from the actual truth. For Fade however, these powers come with a heavy toll on her.[5]

Iso icon Iso[]

Described as a radiant architect, Iso's abilities are formed from ambient, intangible prismatic energy that he transmutes to create his reinforced constructs. These include prismatic walls and shields that can withstand heavy damage and keep Iso safe, as well as molecular bolts that cripple his targets. Iso's abilities also allow him to connect with the Interverse, able to form stabilized pockets of reality within the alternate dimension where he will often transport himself and an abducted target to eliminate them without any distractions.

Jett icon Jett[]

Jett has the ability to manipulate wind and air, such as her abilities to boost herself upwards, instantly dash over large distances, form small clouds, or levitate objects without touching them.

Neon icon Neon[]

Neon is able to channel the bio-electric energy she generates through her body and has the ability to create bouncing energy bolts, walls of static electricity, and channel deadly lightning beams from her hands. She is also able to convert this energy to enhance her physical capabilities such as her speed.

Neon wears a surge protector on her back that caps the amount of power she can produce, though even under these limits she can still produce amounts large enough to power a city block or a cross-world teleporter. Without these caps, it is reported that Neon's abilities become even more powerful and destructive.

Omen icon Omen[]

Omen embodies shadows and darkness, he is able to manipulate umbrakinetic constructs giving him an upper hand during combat, His experience and expertise over his abilities makes his darkness weaponry and limited shapeshifting abilities deadly during battle. He has the ability to teleport over short and long distances, inflict enemies with paranoia, and create dark smokes which leaves the enemies thinking where he might strike from next.

Phoenix icon Phoenix[]

Phoenix is able to manipulate and create fire, such as his ability to throw down an incendiary, form a wall of fire with it, or make a flare orb to blind his enemies with. His own fire cannot hurt him, giving him the ability to heal himself instead.

His most powerful ability allows him to be reborn should he be killed. While using this ability Phoenix's body glows and is surrounded by wisps of flame. Phoenix does not leave a marker where he started to channel this ability unlike in game (which is included there for game balance), but he does respawn around the same area. The amount of time between his 'death' and rebirth varies, sometimes occurring instantly and other times taking much longer. His call sign references this ability's similarities to the powers of the mythological phoenix.

Reyna iconReyna[]

Reyna's abilities harness the power of ethereal essence that allow her to collect souls of people she kills. She can also become intangible, form ethereal entities that blind her enemies, and empower herself to become even stronger.

Sage icon Sage[]

Sage's abilities allow her to use manipulate radianite crystals and create objects with them. She can deploy her orbs to produces large walls or cover areas in crystallized radiante that slows anyone who tries to cross that area. Her powers also allow her to restore life, healing others' injuries and even reviving them from the dead.

Skye icon Skye[]

Skye's abilities give her a natural affinity to the world around her. She is able to infuse inanimate objects with animistic energy so that they come to life. So far, she has created objects that can scout areas for enemies (with some also being able to blind them), emit healing energies, and directly sense enemies and seek them out.

Yoru icon Yoru[]

Yoru's abilities allow him to harness interdimensional energy. He can use this to create an energy duplicate of himself to confuse his enemies, unstable fragments that explode to blind anyone looking at them, and tethers that he can directly teleport to. Yoru also owns a mask that he can use to enter the alternate dimension and infiltrate enemy territory unseen.

