Valorant Wiki

Joining from the U.S.A., Brimstone's orbital arsenal ensures his squad always has the advantage. His ability to deliver utility precisely and from a distance make him an unmatched boots-on-the-ground commander.
— Official description

Brimstone is an Agent in VALORANT and one of the first Controllers available to play since the Closed Beta.



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VALORANT Lore Wiki: Brimstone

Liam "Brimstone" Byrne is the commander of the VALORANT Protocol, a secretive organization tasked with protecting Earth from cataclysmic disasters and dangerous situations involving radianite. A former firefighter and soldier from Baltimore, Byrne is fiercely loyal to all his allies and organizations, always keeps his squadmates close. But although he would do anything for them, Byrne hasn't always been able to save everyone. After the death of a close friend, Tariq Porter, his loss greatly affected Byrne, haunted by what had happened despite all his own best efforts to save him. It was around this time that he would then join Kingdom Corporation, giving him something at a time when he needed it most. Byrne would go on to become a veteran of Kingdom's K-SEC branch, once again developing a strong loyalty to his employer.

Shortly after the events of First Light the VALORANT Protocol was then founded, with Byrne leaving K-SEC to join forces with fellow Kingdom colleagues Sabine Callas, Klara Böhringer, and the phantom known as Omen, taking on an undercover life by the call sign "Brimstone". Under Brimstone's leadership, the organization grew ever larger, recruiting more agents from across the globe as they worked to stop agents from the alternate-dimension Omega Earth from stealing radianite from Alpha. While operations were mostly successful and initially kept heavily compartmentalized even between agents, the failure of one particular mission in Venice and the catastrophe that occurred as a result caused VALORANT to reconsider its approach, moving forward with agents all getting to know one another and being assigned on strike teams together. All this time, Brimstone's position has left him with more of a back-line presence, but life behind a desk has never been of interest to him, and he will still make sure to be present in the field from time to time.

Though no longer part of Kingdom while at VALORANT, Brimstone's loyalty to the corporation's vision meanwhile still remained. But when it was not agents of Omega's VALORANT Legion for once but Kingdom themselves who posed a risk of causing a catastrophe on Alpha, Brimstone found his feelings being tested. When two of the Protocol's latest recruits arrived having recently been involved with a Kingdom project called Landfall, Brimstone wasn't ready to make an enemy out of Kingdom, adamant that all they did was for their mission to make the world better and safer, despite growing concerns about what exactly Kingdom was up to. But when it was discovered that the corporation was using a portal to access the interverse and that doing so risked a major radivore invasion, Brimstone was left with no choice but to have it shut down. Initially unable to convince ex-colleagues of the imminent danger and the need for Landfall to be abandoned, Brimstone then personally led a mission straight to the facility in Los Angeles where the portal was located, and the Protocol shut it down for good.

Though that mission achieved its goal, its aftermath left Brimstone heavily conflicted. While the gateway to the interverse had been closed, the way VALORANT had needed to shut down the portal had caused it to explode, creating a massive sinkhole that now threatened to grow larger and engulf the entire neighborhood. Brimstone himself had also had to fight against his former employer, after all the years he had spent believing in their vision, making him feel as if he had betrayed them with his actions against them. But, just as Brimstone looks out for his team of agents, so too are they looking out for him. With the support of colleagues both new and old, Brimstone now looks to pick up the pieces from Landfall's demise, and he now has a renewed focus on what needs to come next. Kingdom may have said they would make the world a safer place, but what's truly needed to keep Alpha safe is for Brimstone and the Protocol to deal with the real enemy - the agents of Omega.

LIAM BYRNE: Early Life[]

  • Byrne has several links to Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Byrne serves as a firefighter for the BFD, Engine 8.[1]
  • Byrne serves as a soldier for Special Forces in a squad called the Ragged Ravens.[1]
  • Byrne knew people called Tariq Porter and Sumaira.[1]
    • He had to watch Tariq die, despite his best efforts to save him.[1]
  • Byrne works for K-SEC[2]


  • Recruited as its first agent and commander.
    • Brimstone worked with Viper to set up the organization.[3]

The Omega Project[]

  • Brimstone encounters Vincent Fabron on a mission with Viper, leading to Fabron's recruitment into VALORANT.[4]
  • Brimstone is present during the Max Bot training exercise at VALORANT HQ.[5]
    • He arrives towards the end of the exercise to summon the agents for their next mission.

The Blackmailer[]

  • Brimstone is involved with the interrogation of the blackmailer.[6]
    • He is reported to be joining Cypher in multiple meetings with the blackmailer that are being kept need-to-know.
  • After facing questions from agents who hadn't been given the clearance to know about the blackmailer's capture, Brimstone sends an email to all agents informing them about what had happened.[7]
  • After completing their interrogations, Brimstone concludes that the blackmailer could actually be an ally and agent of VALORANT now that it had been understood that the Protocol had nothing to do with who she was meant to be chasing after. With the agreement of other senior agents, they recruit her into VP as its twentieth agent, "Fade".[8]

Continuing the Omega Project[]

  • Brimstone is reported to be having arguments with Breach.[9]
    • He is soon contacted by Raze about this, who vouches for Breach and asks Brimstone to go easy on him.
  • Brimstone sends an email to all agents as they prepare to travel to Omega Earth.[10]

First ventures into Omega[]

  • Brimstone is assigned as a monitoring agent for the Omega Lisbon Data Center mission.[11]
  • Brimstone visits Neon whilst she is kept isolated in a containment room after her surge protector was damaged.[12]
  • Brimstone is reported to have gotten into contact with REALM about his inquiry into Varun Batra, but is shut out by the task force and told to stay out of their business.[13]
  • Brimstone is present during the extraction mission to save and recruit Varun Batra.[14]
  • Brimstone is reported to have pulled strings to get the sentence of Breach's nephew reduced.[15]

Journey into the City of Flowers[]

  • Brimstone sends an email to all agents as the Protocol prepares to establish a connection to the City of Flowers on Omega, with Brimstone telling agents present on Alpha to rest up and recharge before the mission ahead.[16]
  • Brimstone sends an email to all agents regarding the recent activation of the Omega nexus, commending the on-site Protocol team for their response which had likely spared Alpha from the worst.[17]
  • Brimstone proposes changes to Protocol policy regarding fraternization. Viper agrees to the revisions, much to her annoyance about the amount of time being wasted on such a trivial issue.[18]

Project Landfall[]

  • Brimstone is invited to a jam session at VALORANT by Breach after the Swede found out that he plays bass.[19]
  • Brimstone attempts to contact Gekko several times but the Angeleno misses all his calls.[20]
  • Brimstone has a meal with Gekko, Jett, and Reyna.[20]
  • Brimstone sends an email to Gekko welcoming the Angeleno to VALORANT.[21]
  • Brimstone is contacted by an old K-SEC colleague who asks if he has any leads on some stolen K-SEC goods, but knowing the goods in question are Gekko's radivore critters Brimstone gives them nothing.[22][23]
    • Upon learning more about the dangers Project Landfall's experiments pose, he then sends a message to asks his old colleague to shut down a Landfall facility. The colleague replies expressing shock that Brimstone would request for such a thing and tells Brimstone to not contact them again.
  • Brimstone rejects a proposal made by Deadlock to have Gekko's crew of radivores detained in crates.[24]
  • Brimstone is assigned as a member of the Los Angeles strike team.[25]
    • Upon reaching the portal room, he orders Deadlock, Gekko, and Sova to shut down the portal while he and Reyna hold back incoming Kingdom security.
    • After the portal is successfully shut down, a Legion strike team then arrives in Los Angeles on a mission for α-radianite, who Brimstone and the rest of the Protocol team are able to repel.[26]
    • Heavily conflicted about the mission he just led against his former employer, Brimstone is reported to be keeping to himself with reports, though he does confide about his doubts to KAY/O.[26][27]

Scions of Hourglass[]

  • Brimstone has frequent meetings with Cypher relating to Omen's temporary departure from the Protocol following major revelations about his past.[28]


   "Sage, remember that you can't save everyone. We save who we can, that's enough"
— Brimstone to Sage

The oldest of the group, Brimstone is a commander with a long history of wearing a uniform, but as if teaching from age and experience wasn't enough to prove his place in leading an organization composed of unique individuals who are each an elite in their own right, then perhaps continuing to work with boots on the ground sealed the deal.

As commander of VALORANT and its most senior member, Brimstone always encourages his teammates whenever he can, and does not seem to obligate his subordinates to speak in a formal or professional manner that is usually seen in the military; this is notable as he refers to the younger agents as "kids." Additionally, Brimstone describes himself to be stubborn, and is quite adamant in not letting age get him into retirement anytime soon.


Brimstone is a tall and large man who is commonly seen wearing a blue shirt with a chest plate over it. He wears an orange beret which notably has a gold-colored insignia that depicts two inverted chevrons, possibly referring to his military rank. Brimstone sports a gray mustache and a heavily grown beard. He wears gloves on both hands, and an arm bracer on his left wrist.

He is also known to have a tattoo on his right upper arm[29], which resembles the pattern of the Peacekeeper Sheriff, obtainable in Brimstone's Gear.



Stim Beacon

INSTANTLY toss down a stim beacon. Upon landing, it creates a field that grants players a Combat Stim and a Speed Boost.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 200 Duration: Duration 12 s Buff: Buff +10% Equip speed, +15% Fire rate, +10% Reload speed, +10% Recovery speed, +15% speed boost


EQUIP an incendiary grenade launcher. FIRE to launch a grenade that detonates as it comes to a rest on the floor, creating a lingering fire zone that damages players within the zone.

Uses: 1 Uses 1 Cost:Credits icon 250 Duration: Duration 7 s (minimum at full size) Damage: Damage 60/s


ESky Smoke
Sky Smoke

EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to set locations where Brimstone's smoke clouds will land. ALT FIRE to confirm, launching long-lasting smoke clouds that block vision in the selected area.

Uses: 3 Uses 3 Cost:Credits icon 100 Duration: Duration 19.25 s


Orbital Strike

EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to launch a lingering orbital strike laser at the selected location, dealing high damage-over-time to players caught in the selected area.

Cost:♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 8 points Windup: Windup 2 s Duration: Duration 3 s (minimum at full size) Damage: Damage 20 per tick, 6.67 ticks/sec

Agent Cosmetics[]

The following are cosmetics related to Brimstone from Agent Gear and from other sources (e.g. Battle Pass).


More information: Gear
Chapter 1
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Player Title image The Big One Spray VALORANT Brimstone Card Large Player Title image Getting Reps Spray
Player Title:
Old Dog
The Big One
Player Card:
VALORANT Brimstone
Player Title:
Getting Reps
Kingdom Credits 2,000 Kingdom Credits 2,500 Kingdom Credits 3,000 Kingdom Credits 3,500 Kingdom Credits 4,000
Chapter 2
Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8 Tier 9 Tier 10
Dog Tags Buddy Brimstone Spray Player Title image No One Left Behind Card Large Peacekeeper Sheriff
Dog Tags
Player Title:
High Command
Player Card:
No One Left Behind
Weapon Skin:
Peacekeeper Sheriff
Kingdom Credits 4,500 Kingdom Credits 5,500 Kingdom Credits 6,500 Kingdom Credits 7,500 Kingdom Credits 8,000

Other cosmetics[]

Player Cards
Image Name Source
A Warm Welcome Card Large A Warm Welcome Event Pass:
2023 Horizons
Art of Greatness Unbreakable Card Large Art of Greatness // Unbreakable Store:
Champions 2021
Beta Watch Card Large Beta Watch Broadcast Drops
Doodle Buds Agents Card Large Doodle Buds // Agents Store:
Doodle Buds
DUO Field Command Card Large DUO // Field Command Battle Pass:
EP 06 Act 1
EP 1 IGNITION Card Large EP 1 // IGNITION Login Bonus
EP 3 Reflection Card Large EP 3 // Reflection Event Pass:
YR 1 Anniversary
EP 4 DISRUPTION Card Large EP 4 // DISRUPTION Event Pass:
Epilogue Mementos Pt. 1 Card Large Epilogue: Mementos Pt. 1 Battle Pass:
EP 02 Act 3
Epilogue No Hands Card Large Epilogue: No Hands Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 2
Epilogue VAL-SICLES Card Large Epilogue: VAL-SICLES Battle Pass:
EP 08 Act 2
Give Back 2023 Card Large Give Back // 2023 Store:
Give Back // 2023
Home Again Brimstone Card Large Home Again // Brimstone Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 2

Part of collection:
Home Again
I Am Everywhere Card Large I Am Everywhere Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 1
Legion Card Large Legion Event Pass:
Mementos Pt. 1 Card Large Mementos Pt. 1 Battle Pass:
EP 02 Act 3
Mementos Pt. 2 Card Large Mementos Pt. 2 Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 3
MMXX Founder Card Large MMXX Founder Battle Pass:
EP 01 Act 1
New Recruit Card Large New Recruit Welcome Contract
No Hands Card Large No Hands Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 2
Old Roads Card Large Old Roads Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 2
Operation Vacation Card Large Operation Vacation Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 1
Pixel Moments Card Large Pixel Moments Battle Pass:
EP 06 Act 2
Rank Up! Masters Tokyo 2023 Card Large Rank Up! // Masters Tokyo 2023 Broadcast Drops
Rooftop Revelry Card Large Rooftop Revelry Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 3
Up in Arms Card Large Up in Arms Prime Gaming Drops
VAL-SICLES Card Large VAL-SICLES Battle Pass:
EP 08 Act 2
Versus KAYO + Brimstone Card Large Versus // KAY/O + Brimstone Battle Pass:
EP 03 Act 3

Part of collection:
War Dawgs Card Large War Dawgs Login Bonus
Image Name Source
Ain't My Time Spray Ain't My Time! Battle Pass:
EP 09 Act 1
Agent Down Spray Agent Down Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 1
All Aboard Spray All Aboard Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 2
Bawk Bawk Brimstone Spray Bawk Bawk Brimstone Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 3
Blasting Away Spray Blasting Away Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 2
Buy Me Spray Buy Me Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 1
Cap No Cap Spray Cap? No Cap? Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 3
Chill Out Spray Chill Out Battle Pass:
EP 02 Act 2
Exit Wound Spray Exit Wound Battle Pass:
EP 07 Act 2
Give Back 2023 Spray Give Back // 2023 Store:
Give Back // 2023
Head Slapper Spray Head Slapper Battle Pass:
EP 04 Act 1
Hide the Pain, Brimstone Spray Hide the Pain, Brimstone Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 2
Hooked Spray Hooked Battle Pass:
EP 03 Act 2
Maybe Next Time Spray Maybe Next Time Battle Pass:
EP 08 Act 3
No Duelist No Problem Spray No Duelist No Problem Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 1
That's a Blowout Spray That's a Blowout Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 1
We Did It Team Spray We Did It Team Battle Pass:
EP 09 Act 1
Weapon Skins
Image Edition Skin Weapon Variant Source
Doodle Buds Stinger Premium Doodle Buds Stinger Base Store
Doodle Buds Marshal Marshal Base
Doodle Buds Ares Ares Base
Image Name Source
Brimsicle Buddy Brimsicle Battle Pass:
EP 09 Act 1
Give Back 2023 Buddy Give Back // 2023 Store:
Give Back // 2023
Ornamental Commander Buddy Ornamental Commander Battle Pass:
EP 05 Act 3


Update History[]



  • Incendiary Incendiary
    • Bugfix Fixed an issue with VFX not appearing unless the player is observing the direction it is coming from


  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke
    • Buff Radius increased 410 >>> 415
    • Adjustment UI targeting size updated so that outer edge properly reflects the size of the smoke


  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke
    • Added Smokes play an audio and visual cue 1.5 seconds before they are about to fade.




  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke and Orbital Strike Orbital Strike
    • Adjustment Updated the size of targeting reticles so that they match their size before the update that shipped in patch 6.08.
    • Removed Removed the mouse cursor that was displayed

Undocumented (6.08-7.04)






  • Incendiary Incendiary
    • Bugfix Buff Fixed Incendiary dealing damage in chunks of 15 instead of 1


  • Stim Beacon Stim Beacon
    • Nerf Charges reduced 2 >>> 1
    • Nerf Cost increased 100 >>> 200


  • Bugfix Buff Fixed Yoru's Gatecrash Gatecrash icon showing up as a big white circle on Brimstone's targeting map
  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke
    • Buff Deploy time decreased 2 >>> 1 second
    • Buff Deploy radius increased 5000 >>> 5500
    • Buff Smoke height increased to match other Controllers
  • Stim Beacon Stim Beacon
    • Buff Now also applies a 15% speed boost in addition to RapidFire


  • Orbital Strike Orbital Strike
    • Bugfix Nerf Now properly blocks gameplay visibility while active
      • Can no longer see enemies on the minimap through the ultimate
      • Abilities that require line of sight (flashes, Sova recon pulses) will no longer apply through the ultimate




  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed smokes from blocking flashes even when you are not fully inside them


  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke
    • Bugfix Buff Fixed an issue where casting Sky Smoke right after picking up an Ultimate orb would result in ability charges lost, and smokes not deployed


  • Incendiary Incendiary
    • Nerf The audio of the lingering fire zone will be easier to hear when other actions and sounds occur nearby.


  • Stim Beacon Stim Beacon
    • Buff Will now quick cast (No equip time)
  • Incendiary Incendiary
    • Buff Cost decreased 300 >>> 200 credits
  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke
    • Buff Cast range increased 4200 >>> 5000
    • Buff Duration increased 14.25s >>> 19.25s
    • Buff No longer makes a sound that enemies can hear when confirming the location of his smokes


  • Stim Beacon Stim Beacon
    • Buff Fire rate bonus increased from 10% >>> 15%


  • Stim Beacon Stim Beacon
    • Buff No longer Buffs enemies and no longer shows its effect radius to enemies
  • Sky Smoke Sky Smoke
    • Bugfix Nerf Fixed one-way smokes when the player’s camera was around the top of the smoke
    • Bugfix Buff Fixed smokes on Haven spawning offset of where intended
  • Orbital Strike Orbital Strike
    • Nerf Cost changed 6 >>> 7 Ult points


  • Incendiary Incendiary
    • Buff Height required to jump out Incendiary increased 80 >>> 120
    • Buff Damage tick speed increased (total damage per second unchanged)
    • Nerf Cost increased 200 >>> 300 credits

Spotify Playlist[]


  • Though agents are required to leave their past lives behind, Brimstone still wears armor bearing the Kingdom logo, also despite the company's controversial reputation among fellow VALORANT agents.
  • Brimstone enjoys going to baseball matches, but always insists on booking an additional empty seat next to him.[30]




