Valheim Wiki

Smoke is created by some structures when they are active. Smoke can prevent structures from working if there is not enough space for the smoke to disappear. Players inside the smoke get Smoked effect which deals damage over time.


Following structures generate smoke when active and if there is a player within 64 meters:

  • Blast furnace: Every 0.5 seconds, unless smoke within 0.75 meters.
  • Bonfire: Every 0.5 seconds, unless smoke within 0.75 meters.
  • Campfire: Every 0.5 seconds, unless smoke within 0.75 meters.
  • Charcoal kiln: Every 0.5 seconds, unless smoke within 0.75 meters.
  • Hanging brazier: Every 1 second, unless smoke within 0.4 meters.
  • Hearth: Every 0.5 seconds, unless smoke within 0.75 meters.
  • Hot tub:: Every 0.5 seconds, unless smoke within 0.75 meters.
  • Smelter: Every 0.5 seconds, unless smoke within 0.75 meters.

Realistic output is about one smoke every 2 seconds (30 instances per minute) because of the slow smoke movement.

Structures stop working if they aren't able to produce smoke for 4 seconds.

Smoke movement[]

Smoke instances have a radius of 0.42 meters which means they require about 1 meter space to get through. Beams can be used to block smoke movement while still leaving gaps to interact with the structures.

Each smoke instance has a target horizontal and vertical velocity:

  • 0.75 m/s upwards (reduced linearly over time)
  • 0.15 m/s to a random horizontal direction (randomized when spawned)

This means that non-horizontal chimneys will have lower throughput because of slower horizontal speed and because some instances will get stuck on corners. However perfect venting is not usually needed since structures only need to produce smoke every 4 seconds.

The smoke also collides with other smoke instances. The mass of a smoke instance is reduced over time which allows newer smoke instances to push older instances more easily.

Smoke duration[]

By default, smoke starts disappearing after 60 seconds. However there is also a total limit of 100 smoke instances. When exceeded, the oldest ones start instantly disappearing.

Disappearing smoke is removed after 2 seconds.


  • Unrestricted, smoke will rise 22.5 meters during the 60 second duration.
  • Chimneys are not needed if enough space is provided for the smoke. 62 total duration means that up to 16 smokes must be stored to allow producing them every 4 seconds. This requires 4x2x2 space 0.75 meters above the structure.
  • With lots of smoke producing structures less space is needed to store the smoke. For example 20 structures creating smoke every 2 seconds would exceed the limit in 10 seconds and only need to store up to 3 smokes.
  • Kilns and smelters may work without chimneys or storage if they haven't been visited for a while. This is because the stored "progress" is applied instantly before any smoke is generated.