Valheim Wiki

Honey is a food and ingredient produced by beehives. It is required to make Mead base.


  • Beehives are typically found within abandoned houses, however, they can also be found around Swamps. When the player breaks a beehive, they receive a queen bee, which can be used to craft beehives at their base to create a honey farm.


  • Its main use is for mead base recipes and an intermediate cooking ingrediant.



Result Ingredients Crafting Station
size Mead base: Frost resistance size Honey x10
size Thistle x5
size Bloodbag x2
size Greydwarf eye x1
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Minor eitr size Honey x10
size Sap x5
size Jotun puffs x2
size Magecap x5
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Major healing size Honey x10
size Blood clot x4
size Royal jelly x5
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Medium healing size Honey x10
size Bloodbag x4
size Raspberries x10
size Dandelion x1
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Minor healing size Honey x10
size Blueberries x5
size Raspberries x10
size Dandelion x1
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Medium stamina size Honey x10
size Cloudberries x10
size Yellow mushroom x10
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Minor stamina size Honey x10
size Raspberries x10
size Yellow mushroom x10
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Poison resistance size Honey x10
size Thistle x5
size Neck tail x1
size Coal x10
size Cauldron (1)
size Mead base: Tasty size Honey x10
size Raspberries x10
size Blueberries x5
size Cauldron (1)
size Boar jerky x2 size Honey x1
size Boar meat x1
size Cauldron (1)
size Serpent stew size Honey x2
size Cooked serpent meat x1
size Mushroom x1
size Cauldron (2)
size Black soup size Honey x1
size Bloodbag x1
size Turnip x1
size Cauldron (2)
size Wolf jerky x2 size Honey x1
size Wolf meat x1
size Cauldron (3)
size Uncooked honey glazed chicken size Honey x3
size Chicken meat x1
size Jotun puffs x2
size Cauldron (5)