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adjective Referring to a session of supporting professional activity by a doctor or other health professional which is meant for a specific purpose—for example protected teaching time—which cannot be “borrowed” to perform clinical duties.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(5) While the ADA is silent on genetic characteristics, some have argued that the statute protects individuals with "genetic markers for a disease."
For example, Robert Wood Johnson IV, the successor to the Johnson & Johnson dynasty, and many other high net worth individuals used foreign trusts not only to protect assets but as a tax shelter "sold" by an accounting firm that was quite aggressive.
The university is rolling out the program later this year to protect the information stored on the laptops of admissions counselors, attorneys, and other administrators, says Tim Ramsay, associate vice president of computer operations and telecommunications.
Additional reliability and repair improvements resulted in less down time of the countermeasure system protected aircraft and an estimated $1.2 million to $1.8 million reduction in total ownership cost per aircraft.
As the memories of those year-end prophecies of doom fade, it is time for sober reflection on the real threats to data security and for determining the logical steps to protect us from ever more devious cyber criminals.
For a company to securely protect its network it needs to deploy best-of-breed internal network defense devices.
Further examination revealed that these flies had elevated DJ-1[alpha] expression--the loss of DJ-1[beta] somehow encouraged a compensatory upregulation of DJ-1[alpha], which the authors believe protected the fly from paraquat-induced oxidative damage.
For more information about how you can protect your privacy, contact The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (
Thus, when the offensive team passes the ball to either wing, the "Basket-Man" (X1) will rotate out to defend the ball, while the original "Ball-Man" (X2) will drop quickly down the lane to protect the basket.
* Implement security measures and internal controls to protect trade secrets by:
In the initial collaborative project, HitachiSoft has launched "Rights Core for HIBUN", a solution to protect confidential information developed with Microsoft(R) Windows Rights Management Services (RMS).

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