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Assure the salesperson or trader that interest, buy or sell, will be attended to, given any change in the trading circumstances, as follows:
At a price: If the stock trades at a certain price or price range, the trader will show this market to the salesperson and thus allow participation under these favorable circumstances.
Floor protection: Representation of a client on the floor of the exchange-so that if size were to trade at his price or a better price, salesperson would participate.
Volume (OTC): If a certain amount of volume trades (that parallels the protectee's interest), trader assures salesperson of reasonable participation in the trading activity. The extent of this protection depends on liquidity, number of market makers, and other aspects of the stock.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"We must protect him ourselves if he is in danger," replied the Tin Woodman.
Brave and generous men of New York, farmers of rich and joyous Ohio, and ye of the wide prairie states,--answer, is this a thing for you to protect and countenance?
Not by combining together, to protect injustice and cruelty, and making a common capital of sin, is this Union to be saved,--but by repentance, justice and mercy; for, not surer is the eternal law by which the millstone sinks in the ocean, than that stronger law, by which injustice and cruelty shall bring on nations the wrath of Almighty God!
At the sight of the mighty figure reduced to pitiable inefficiency and weakness, despite the knowledge that her protector could no longer protect, the fear of the jungle faded from the heart of the young girl--she was no more a weak and trembling daughter of an effete civilization.
And the man thought: "Would that I owned a soul that I might aspire to live always near her--always to protect her."
How am I to protect Grace, how am I to protect myself, if she comes here again?"
He hated her and at the same time he had protected her as had been evidenced again when he had kept the great apes from tearing her to pieces after she had escaped from the Wamabo village to which Usanga, the black sergeant, had brought her a captive; but why was he saving her?
It was too lovely of you!' 'Yes, and Soldier stood by me, which you know he would, and protected me from the wolves; and if he got a chance he kicked the life out of some of them - for you know he would, BB.' The sergeant said, 'He laid out three of them, sir, and here's the bones to show for it.' 'He's a grand horse,' said BB; 'he's the grandest horse that ever was!
It was the highest protected ground, and so naturally became the most important of their camps.
My daughter Ginevra and my wife, having taken the sacrament that morning, escaped; the Virgin protected them.
In other days I protected you," he added, in a reproachful tone.
All these people had to be protected. Protection is the first necessity of opulence and luxury.

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