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PROTECTProsecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today (Act)
PROTECTProgram for Response Options and Technology Enhancements for Chemical/Biological Terrorism
PROTECTPrivacy Rights and Oversight for Electronic and Commercial Transactions (Act)
PROTECTPrediction of the Erosion of Cliffed Terrains (EU)
PROTECTPrecose Resolution of Optimal Titration to Enhance Current Therapies (endocrinology)
PROTECTProspective Reinfarction Outcomes in the Thrombolytic Era Cardizem CD Trial (cardiovascular study)
PROTECTPagans Reaching Out to Educate Campus Together (Illinois State University)
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Here, the law protects all citizens; and no one is allowed to do justice for himself."
However, liability may also ensue if the discrimination has a disparate impact on a protected class.
The latter is filed to protect the taxpayer's right to a potential refund based on a contingent event.
In addition, as the recent jailing of Times reporter Judith Miller demonstrated, the courts have ruled that the First Amendment does not give reporters a right to protect their confidential sources, although most states have adopted their own "shield laws."
Jeffrey Potter, coordinator of the Great Lakes Forever program, says, "We hope that this campaign will help empower more people to take action to protect this international treasure."
The Cook Islands, the Isle of Man and Isle of Nevis all have passed very good laws that protect your assets from attachment by rejecting any U.S.
Given the proliferation of laptop programs in higher education, it makes sense that IT managers are looking to these services to protect assets.
The reduction in acquisition cost makes it financially feasible to acquire more countermeasures systems and protect more aircraft.
First Amendment rights seem to be hauled out to protect some but not others.
The best defense to protect against malpractice claims is to implement proper risk management practices, stay abreast of legal developments, and purchase errors and omissions coverage.
predicted that network security would grow into a JPY4.3 trillion (USD39 billion) industry by 2008, as security companies improve ways to protect our data and help companies remain productive.
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