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An abnormal termination of a program being executed, which requires that the computer be rebooted.
Drug slang
A regional street term for a large quantity of various drugs of abuse—e.g., crack, heroin, or a large marijuana cigarette.
Military noun
A device designed to cause physical damage to a specified area, by exploding on impact or when a particular event occurs—e.g., being moved, or on a timer.

verb To attack an opponent with (aerial) bombs.
Popular psychology
See Time bomb.

Radiation oncology
A container formerly used to store radioactive materials (e.g., radium) for future use in radiotherapy.

Vox populi
The significance of the word bomb may depend on whether the speaker uses the indefinite article—e.g., “a bomb”, which means that the subject matter is awful— or the definite article—e.g., “the bomb”, which means that the subject matter is cool, fashionable or exciting.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Military medicine A device designed to cause physical damage to a specified area, by exploding on impact or when a particular event occurs–eg, being moved. See B-61, Dirty bomb, Genetic bomb Popular psychology See Time bomb.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A radioactive source held in a container for the purpose of RADIOTHERAPY.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
"Les terroristes qui menent un combat contre l'education ont prouve une fois encore a travers ce lache attentat qu'ils n'avaient aucune consideration pour les civils innocents et sans defense", a denonce le ministere.
* 14 avril 2007 - attentats de Casablanca - 2 morts
Un attentat-suicide au camion piege a tue neuf personnes lundi au nord de Bagdad, un nouvel acte de violences qui vient illustrer l'instabilite dont souffre l'Irak, oE 271 personnes ont peri dans des attentats le mois dernier.
L'attentat les plus meurtrier contre des agents de securite avait tue 53 officiers du renseignement le 24 janvier dans la region de Damas.
L'attentat a ete revendique par le Mouvement pour l'unicite et le jihad en Afrique de l'Ouest (Mujao), l'un des groupes armes qui occupait depuis des mois le nord du Mali, y multipliant les exactions.
Un attentat suicide contre un poste de controle de l'armee dans le nord-ouest du Pakistan, revendique par les talibans, a fait 24 morts hier samedi dont 11 civils, a-t-on annonce de source officielle.