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Related to construct: Construct validity


1. The combination of a bone graft, metal instrumentation, prosthetic devices, and/or bone cement applied to a specific level of the skeleton in the course of reconstructive or fracture surgery.
2. In psychiatry/psychology, a set of related ideas used to define, understand, and assess a given phenomenon.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Combination of a bone graft, metal instrumentation, prosthetic devices, and/or bone cement applied to a specific level of the skeleton in the course of reconstructive, dental, or fracture surgery.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
George Kelly himself ran a traveling psychological service to schools, and later personal construct psychologists have considered the development of children's construing (e.g., Mancuso, 2003; Salmon, 1970) and extended the application of personal construct psychology in educational settings.
The Ministry further seeks to construct 14,300 new units in the city of Tayyiba in Luxor governorate, in addition to 14,600 units in Aswan, along with 12,800 in the Red Sea governorate.
The minister signed a contract with Omair Trading & Contracting to construct 104 km of Madinah-Hail Road at a cost of SR228.3 million.
One of the interesting aspects of this study was that researchers measured these constructs over time and not just one point in time; they therefore could examine any change in the constructs (patient experiences) during and after hospitalization.
These statements about the mind construct apply equally well to the consciousness construct.
The final result of the analysis was that the linkage between the trust and satisfaction constructs was also highly significant (p<0.01) and in the expected direction.
These results provide support for the external validity of previous research, i.e., the same construct was being tapped by separate measures in each study.
When they approach a constructed construct for the first time they perceive it as a black box.
Working with Escherichia coli, his team constructed three elaborate biological circuits that produce a glowing protein only if they receive a chemical signal in certain concentration ranges.
In my storied approach (Brott, 2001), I have used a number of techniques related to life roles in order to co-construct, de-construct, and construct the client's story.
But a huge number of multi-storey buildings were constructed in violation of the by-laws.
The Directorate Health Services Karachi wants to establish Central Blood Bank Karachi in the new building and already asked the KMC to hand over building to Sindh Health Department as this building constructed under ADP by the Sindh government.