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v. to determine the meaning of the words of a written document, statute or legal decision, based upon rules of legal interpretation as well as normal meanings.

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
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A number of respondents operate with selection of associated attributes that are more likely to be scalar, such as EMOTIONALITY, HORMONALITY, TIREDNESS, and FATIGUE, with one respondent interpreting (19) more generally as expressing the state of being "Affected by the side-effects of pregnancy." As with Catholic and female, these respondents seek semantic resolution by metonymically selecting attributes associated with PREGNANCY and applying scalar construals to those.
A large body of social psychology research has demonstrated that evaluations, judgments, and predictions of temporally distant events are more likely influenced by high-level construals, whereas proximal events are more likely evaluated, judged, and predicted on the basis of low-level construals (Trope & Liberman, 2010).
Consistent with this logic, many studies show that abstract construals encourage the pursuit of long-term goals, even in the face of distractions.
In fact, some of the recent research (Pander Matt and Degand 2001; Pander Matt and Sanders 2000, 2001) has already questioned the entirely "objective" nature of causality as reflected in adverbial constructions, and proposed treating many instances as representing "subjective" construals instead (primarily, this applies to the class of epistemic constructions).
It is the operational playground for the various cognitive mechanisms of construal, which are constantly at our disposal to rearrange the interna1 structure among the elements of the CDS and therefore enable us to decide in what way an experience will be represented.
situational construals other than their initial assessment.
Cole identifies three meanings of irreversible.[16] The first and strongest construal of the term is that "a lost function cannot be restored by anyone under any circumstances at any time now or future." No one in the transplant or larger medical community advocates this construal.
The segmented text was then analyzed focusing on topoi related to ingroup and outgroup construals and ingroup and outgroup actions, from the perspective of the speakers of the utterances.
Scientists from Dartmouth College in the US tested the basic question would processing the same information on a digital versus non-digital platform affect 'construal levels' the fundamental level of concreteness versus abstractness that people use in perceiving and interpreting behaviors, events and other informational stimuli.
People with interdependent construal tend to view 'self' as a whole, adjust one's behavior according to environment, adopt an indirect communication and pursue harmony with other people (Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Yates & de Oliveira, 2016).
Based on construal level theory, the finding hinted that bilinguals were likely to adopt concrete low-level construals through rich, direct, detailed context when thinking about undocumented immigration issues, while non-bilinguals adopted high-level construals with general decontext mental presentations.