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Correctness; especially the degree of closeness by which iterated results approach the correct result.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


the extent to which a measure, indicator or method of data collection possesses the quality of being sound or true as far as can be judged. For example, if a psychological measure, such as an intelligence test, is considered to be valid, this means that it is thought to measure what it sets out to measure. If social survey observations are said to have produced valid data, then they are considered to be true reflection of the phenomenon being studied in the population being studied (e.g. projections of voting behaviour), and the survey method could be said to have validity. Compare RELIABILITY.

In practice, in sociology and the social sciences generally, the relation between indicators and measures on the one hand and the underlying concepts they are taken to represent is often contested (see OFFICIAL STATISTICS, MEASUREMENT BY FIAT).

Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
References in periodicals archive ?
Ritter, "Construct validity of an objective assessment method for laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing and knot tying," American Journal of Surgery, vol.
Construct Validity. Intercorrelations between the subtests of SF-12 including PCS and MCS and the London Handicap Scale with the K-USER-P scales are listed in Table 4.
Since the challenge for occupational therapists is to use a top-down approach to more directly assess a person's ability to perform occupational tasks, it is important to compare the top-down assessments for construct validity with gold standard tests that have good construct validity for the underlying area of study.
In this regard, the present study is an attempt to estimate the construct validity of this indegeniously developed CSS.
Construct validity is defined as the degree of accuracy to which a measure captures a theoretical concept corresponding to the real world.
Beginning construct validity was established by comparing groups on three designated clinical skills (insert Foley catheter, change sterile dressing, and insert nasogastric tube).
No study has yet to measure construct validity. The purpose of the current study is to measure SAS reliability and criterion validity and extend current research by measuring construct validity across all factors in a medium-sized district.
In addition, research is required to further evaluate the internal construct validity of the scale and make recommendations regarding possible changes needed to the response categories and subscales.
Construct Validity. Construct validity is defined as the ability of the simulator to distinguish the experienced from the inexperienced surgeon [13].
Therefore, the researcher decided to establish reliability and construct validity for both direct measures and indirect measures (belief-based) to predict intentions.
On issues relating to the question of the validity of the DDLSM (where 'validity' is a broader criterion for evaluation than the 'construct validity' criteria which is the focus of the present paper), as Coffield et al.