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Psychol a model devised on the basis of observation, designed to relate what is observed to some theoretical framework
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


any theoretical or heuristic sociological concept. The use of the term ‘construct’ makes apparent the ‘invented’, mentally constructed, heuristic or explanatory purpose of many concepts in sociology. See also IDEAL TYPE.
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
References in classic literature ?
At the bottom of the excavation they constructed a wheel of oak, a kind of circle strongly bolted together, and of immense strength.
If we suppose that the ancient progenitor, the archetype as it may be called, of all mammals, had its limbs constructed on the existing general pattern, for whatever purpose they served, we can at once perceive the plain signification of the homologous construction of the limbs throughout the whole class.
Why should the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils in any individual flower, though fitted for such widely different purposes, be all constructed on the same pattern?
In addition to the above, the doctor caused to be constructed two sheet-iron chests two lines in thickness.
Skill and knowledge are now handed down from one set of students to another in this way, until at the present time a building of any description or size can be constructed wholly by our instructors and students, from the drawing of the plans to the putting in of the electric fixtures, without going off the grounds for a single workman.
This kiln turned out to be a failure, because it was not properly constructed or properly burned.
"So," he said, "no one knows now where the third vessel perished that was constructed by the castaways on the island of Vanikoro?"
They installed themselves in the island, and constructed a smaller boat with the debris of the two large ones.
Seven feet higher he constructed a similar, though lighter platform to serve as roof, and from the sides of this he suspended the balance of his sailcloth for walls.
They now constructed a more secure one, in which they deposited their heaviest articles, and then descended Snake River again, and encamped just above the American Falls.
The balloon was not yet ready, but Pierre learned that it was being constructed by the Emperor's desire.
The servant was still waiting--not like a human being who took an interest in the proceedings, but (as became a perfectly bred footman) like an article of furniture artfully constructed to come and go at the word of command.