artificial languages

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artificial languages

artificial languages, languages that are invented by one or more human beings as opposed to languages that develop naturally among peoples. Examples of artificial languages are Volapük, Esperanto, and Ido. See international language.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Artificial Languages


special languages that, unlike natural languages, are constructed purposefully; they are used for performing certain functions of a natural language in data processing systems. There are two types of artificial languages: information languages and international auxiliary languages.

The idea for the creation of an international language arose in the 17th and 18th centuries as a result of the gradually decreasing international role of Latin. The initial schemes were aimed mainly at the development of a rational language, free from the logical inconsistencies of living languages and based on the logical classification of concepts. Schemes imitating patterns and material of living languages also appeared later. The first such scheme was Volapük, which was created in 1880 by the German linguist J. Schleyer. Esperanto, the only artificial language to be used on a large scale and to attract active proponents of an international language, became the best-known artificial language. A considerable number of translated and even original literary works exists in Esperanto. Of the later artificial languages, the best known are Occidental (Interlingue), created by E. de Wahl (Estonia) in 1922; Novial, created by O. Jespersen (Denmark) in 1928; and Interlingua, created by the Italian mathematician G. Peano in 1908 and the International Auxiliary Language Association in New York under the direction of A. Gode in 1950.

Artificial international language schemes may be divided into the following groups according to their structure: (1) a priori languages, based on logical or empirical classifications of concepts (Ro and Solresol); (2) mixed languages, based partly on words borrowed from various languages and partly on artificially invented words (Volapük); and (3) languages constructed primarily on the basis of an international vocabulary (Esperanto, Ido, and Interlingua).


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Now the Dothraki are here and they didn't storm in riding magnificent steeds or yelling in their constructed language; they just are.
A deliberately crafted fictional language is known as a constructed language - or a conlang.
Klingon is the third constructed language (conlang) to be featured in the free language learning site.
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And despite the difficulties of promoting a constructed language, it still has a large cohort of fans all around the world.
once a constructed language finds an audience, it quickly escapes the
If we set aside the constructed language of dialectics such as nature and culture, land and our division of it, plants and architecture, we come closer to a fluid, boundary-free world, one that, like a painter's abstraction, relishes ambiguity and the richness of invention and revelation.
Given that Badr introduces the show with a no doubt well-intended but still rather bland quotation about the constructed language of Esperanto, the entire enterprise feels a bit like an alternative take on an ultra-slick, ultra-smooth, globalized cosmopolitanism that could have been.
Lock and Strong argue that Vico suggests varied understandings grounded in human interactions and points to the role that humanly constructed language plays in what passes for knowledge, asking us to embrace the complexities of human meanings and relatedness.
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(1) Thus, seventeenth-century language schemes were divided into two strands: (a) the idea of a pre-Adamite, a priori universal language as proposed by the utopians Godwin and Wilkins and as the detailed introduction to A Country Not Named, by Francis Lodwick, shows; (b) the idea of an a posteriori, constructed language in the vein of More, Foigny, and Veiras.