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an interpretation of the meaning of something

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Consumer response to brand extensions: Construal level as a moderator of the importance of perceived fit.
"High-level construal allows you to step back and see the consequences of your decision and to see more clearly the best way to allocate resources," he said.
This exercise would be vital in addressing the wrongly perceived construal of education that lies central to the trailing enigma.
Regarding the outgroup construals present in the discourse, these were: "aggressors," "occupiers," "the Israelis," "Jews," "regional and international countries" and "people of conscience all over the world." In this regard, of particular importance is the outgroup action "the Israeli occupation" which can also be interpreted to be an outgroup construal.
It deals with the speaker-imposed construal of distance and proximity in discourse.
'Given that psychologists have shown that construal levels can vastly impact outcomes such as self-esteem and goal pursuit, it is crucial to recognize the role that digitization of information might be having on this important aspect of cognition,' said Geoff Kaufman from Dartmouth College.
People with interdependent construal tend to view 'self' as a whole, adjust one's behavior according to environment, adopt an indirect communication and pursue harmony with other people (Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Yates & de Oliveira, 2016).
Bilingual, Construal Level Theory, Information Channels, Public Opinion Undocumented Immigration
In what follows, I shall present a dialectical construal of this text and then analyse the assumptions made by it.
How did we move from a condition where, in Christendom, people lived naively within a theistic construal, to one in which we all shunt between two stances, in which everyone's construal shows up as such; and in which, moreover, unbelief has become for many the major default option (2007, p.
Identifying differences between NSE identifiers and non-identifiers may help to illuminate psychosexual factors in NSE construal, emotional reactivity, and resilience in sexual outcomes.
According to Construal Level Theory (CLT), there are different levels of abstraction, i.e., construal level for people's psychological characterization of cognitive objects, and construal level depends on the psychological distance between the perceived object and the cognitive object, thereby affecting people's judgment and decision making (Kim, 2008).
The Temporality of Prudence in Thomas Aquinas: Towards a Participatory Construal of Heidegger's Sorge, KEVIN E.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of the particles up and down in the strategic meaning construal of particle verbs (PVs) in blind and sighted users of English as L2.