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Synonyms for consuetudinary

a manual describing the customs of a particular group (especially the ceremonial practices of a monastic order)

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References in periodicals archive ?
Consuetudinary measurements of comorbidity and mortality do not provide a comprehensive overview of the health status including psychophysical, emotional and functional well-being, so it is conducive to complement them with patient perception of the probability of recovery (11,12).
"It is a consuetudinary law and proof that the government pursues a levying policy", Doughmi told the session, attended by Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour and cabinet ministers.
Mukherjee notes that the concept of general average "became firmly established and embodied in the majority of the European maritime codes and the consuetudinary English admiralty law through the Roles d'Oleron." See PROSHANTO MUKHERJEE, Maritime Legislation 12 (2002).
Furthermore, the international organization has great importance for Consuetudinary Law, through the approval of resolutions which are often not mandatory but merely declarative.
See as well his mention, in this context, of Karl Marx's idea that, in consuetudinary right, sanctions work as a sort of blind and unconscious instinct (Bourdieu, "Entretien").
The earliest list dates from 1259 and concerns the books (two Graduals, three Antiphonals, a Martyrology, and a Consuetudinary) left by Martin of St.