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League of Legends Wiki
Zilean (Universe)Zilean (Universe)
Zilean (League of Legends)Zilean (League of Legends)
Zilean (Esports)Zilean (Esports)
Zilean (Teamfight Tactics)Zilean (Teamfight Tactics)
Zilean (Legends of Runeterra)Zilean (Legends of Runeterra)
Zilean (Development)Zilean (Development)
Zilean (Trivia)Zilean (Trivia)





Original Zilean: Base Skin
1 Wildcards 1 / 05-May-2021
Level 1

Over many years, LoR Champion Indicator2Zilean established a network of promising young mages from different times, all of whom were capable of seeing out his life's work should the unthinkable happen. Although a kind and encouraging mentor, deep sorrow creased his brow when he sought solitude, and there was a weariness in his eyes that only someone who has lived multiple lifetimes could hope to comprehend.

Level 2

Countless possibilities stretched before and behind him. He saw them all at once, a dizzying array that only he could decipher. With a single gesture, LoR Champion Indicator2Zilean could unfold entire timelines -- but none had yet shown him how to save Icathia.

Zilean's Chronoshift

"We cannot stop the inevitable... but we can postpone it." - LoR Champion Indicator2Zilean


Zilean Wisewood: Common Skin

The most powerful player… when he’s awake, that is.

  • 3 new artworks
This skin is available for purchase.
700 Coins 700 / 29-Jun-2022
04SH039 ZileanWisewood-full
Level 1

“You say I cannot persuade the man? Preposterous! Darius, I demand to roll!”
“You've already rolled, Garen! Stick to the rules of the game!”
“Hold on, you two. If we just need to sneak past the guard, doesn’t Zilean have that spell that puts people to sleep?”
“Excellent idea, Nami! Cast that spell at once, Zilean. ...Zilean?”

04SH039T1 ZileanWisewood-full
Level 2

“Oh! I cast… errr… oh dear. What was it again?”
“Are you thinking of Time Warp, Zilean?”
“Yes, thank you, Nami! I CAST TIME WARP!”

04SH060T1 ZileanWisewood-full
Time Bomb

Though it was one of his more powerful spells, Zilean cast Time Bomb infrequently not because he didn’t like it, but because he often forgot he had it.




Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Allied LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko present

Allied LoR Champion Indicator3Lissandra present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator3Lissandra present

  • ▶️   Lissandra: "Time magic is worthless if it cannot undo the past."

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator2Zilean present

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Aspiring Chronomancer present

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Khahiri the Student present

  • ▶️   Zilean: "Hm... Now, when am I?
    • ▶️   Khahiri the Student: "Why bother controlling time if you're just going to waste it?"

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Khahiri the Returned present

  • ▶️   Zilean: "I see you picked up a little more than knowledge."
    • ▶️   Khahiri the Returned: "Facing certain doom, I had to be resourceful."

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Xenotype Researchers present

Keyword See Sees a Unit card Unit Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Allied LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko

Allied LoR Champion Indicator3Lissandra

  • ▶️   Lissandra: "If I had your power, I would not squander it so."
    • ▶️   Zilean: "I know fully well what you'd do given the chance."
  • ▶️   Lissandra: "You have seen the future. How can one avert their fate?"
    • ▶️   Zilean: "I still haven't found a way to stop Icathia's demise..."

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator3Lissandra

  • ▶️   Zilean: "Nothing stays, Lissandra. Not even winter!"
    • ▶️   Lissandra: "I am eternal, Keeper, and winter does as I bid it."

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Aspiring Chronomancer

  • ▶️   Aspiring Chronomancer: "I've been practicing, and I know it's not perfect, but look..."
    • ▶️   Zilean: "If your prediction is correct, we have much to look forward to!"

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Khahiri the Student

  • ▶️   Khahiri the Student: "We're wasting time. Icathia needs our help!"

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Khahiri the Returned

  • ▶️   Khahiri the Returned: "Let's go, Keeper. No time to waste!"
    • ▶️   Zilean: "Remember: Time spent planning is never wasted!"

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Xenotype Researchers

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Clockling

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Clockwork Curator

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Preservationist

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 The Clock Hand

Ability effect[]

Keyword Level Up Level Up[]

Keyword See Sees a Spell card Spell or Keyword Skill Skill Resolve[]


Allied LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator7 Chronoshift

Allied LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Imagined Possibilities{{*|<It's unclear if this refers to the choice card or either of the chosen cards.>}}

Allied LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator0 Instant Century

Allied LoR Spell Slow Indicator1 Rite of Calling

Allied LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator3 Ancient Hourglass

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Time Bomb

Allied LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Time in a Bottle

Allied LoR Spell Slow Indicator6 Promising Future

Attack Declared[]

Block Declared[]

Keyword Death Death[]

Turn timer appears[]

Allied turn timer

Enemy turn timer


Removed from choice[]



Change Log[]

  • Added.
Zilean (Level 2)
  • Added.
Zilean's Careful Preparation

