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League of Legends Wiki
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This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Vladimir's Vladimir's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

The information found on this page cannot be edited from here - please follow the provided links to the source articles. This page will automatically reflect changes made elsewhere.

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Main article: Vladimir (Development)

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Main article: Vladimir (Character)
  • Vladimir doesn't actually drink the blood of his victims but rather absorbs the lifeforce within it.
  • It is quite possible that the man that Vladimir draws in the story "Alone" is Viego Viego before the Ruination, but after the death of his wife. His description is consistent with the image given in the Champion Insights: Viego.
  • Vladimir is alive since Great Darkin War began, his possible age in current Noxian year calendar would at least be more than 2500 years old. This made him one of the oldest human alive thanks to his hemomancy ability to revitalize his health condition and extending his lifespan beyond normal human capable of.

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Main article: Vladimir (League of Legends)


Main article: Vladimir (League of Legends Audio)
Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper
Blood Lord Vladimir Blood Lord Vladimir


Main article: Vladimir (Collection)
Original Vladimir Original Vladimir
Count Vladimir Count Vladimir
Marquis Vladimir Marquis Vladimir
Nosferatu Vladimir Nosferatu Vladimir
Vandal Vladimir Vandal Vladimir
Blood Lord Vladimir Blood Lord Vladimir
Soulstealer Vladimir Soulstealer Vladimir
Academy Vladimir Academy Vladimir
  • The group is in classroom 1337, which references Leetspeak.
  • He references South Korean high school uniforms.
Dark Waters Vladimir Dark Waters Vladimir
Chromaskins Chromas: Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Sandstone, Tanzanite
Nightbringer Vladimir Nightbringer Vladimir
Chromaskins Chromas: Emerald, Obsidian, Pariah, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise
Cosmic Devourer Vladimir Cosmic Devourer Vladimir
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise
  • He was inspired by the Eridanus constellation.
Cafe Cuties Vladimir Cafe Cuties Vladimir
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Broken Covenant Vladimir Broken Covenant Vladimir
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise

