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League of Legends Wiki
This Changes Everything Emote
"I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm... different. But you changed too. So, here's to the new us."

In Dev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.

This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).

For further information on these changes, see Canonical inconsistencies

▶️  "A city, choking in the Chem-Barons' grasp."
Urgot Urgot

The Chem-Barons of Zaun Crest icon Zaun are a group of brutal crime lords who each control a portion of the undercity. A loose criminal alliance of landlords, factory owners, mob bosses, and business tycoons, the chem-barons use their deep pockets and hired muscle to keep the denizens of Zaun in line and prevent the undercity from devolving into chaos. While this pact between the barons has given their researchers and inventors the leeway to push the bounds of their experiments at an accelerated rate, it has also caused the city to be run more like a corrupt corporate business than a fair society of law and order.


Chem-Baron Champions[]


Chross Chross
The Hush Company Crest icon

A Piltover Crest icon Piltovan Chem-Baron who was active during Silco's Silco's reign over Zaun. He runs The Hush Company, a vast network of informants and fences that acts as a switchboard for any and all illicit activity in the undercity—including that of his fellow Chem-Barons.

Corina VerazaLoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6  LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator9  

Corina is a meticulous artist with ambitious dreams for Zaun's future, and aims to become the envy of Piltover's ruling houses and Zaun's warring chem-barons alike. She enjoys gathering deadly ingredients from the rare plants that she grows in her cultivair, her scars artfully concealed by fashionable accoutrements. Her current Magnum Opus is a rare flower that feeds on the volatile chemicals of the Zaun Grey. She is also the arch-nemesis of Sheriff Caitlyn Kiramman Caitlyn Kiramman.


A chem-baron who spent his fortune on high-grade chemtech. He was killed by Urgot Urgot.

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4  Eramis, Baron of Taste

Eramis has occasionally made deals with Piltovan nobles, such as LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Reggie of Clan Ferros.

Finn Finn
Slickjaws Crest icon

A Chem-Baron who was active during Silco's Silco's reign over Zaun. His company, the Slickjaws, specializes in elimination services and purveys both weaponry (including poisons) and manpower for large-scale operations. He attempted to overthrow Silco in disaffection, but fell by the blade of Silco's right-hand Sevika Sevika.

Karvyq the Silverhanded

In his youth, Karvyq fell in love with Aurelie of House Tariost. As their love was forbidden, her family had his hands cut off as punishment for his low standing. He replaced them with silver prosthetics, making him known as the Silverhanded. When Aurelie died, Karvyq had a thief steal her ashes, which he then tattooed onto his chest. In the modern age, Karvyq is known for his chemtech products, which are extremely sophisticated, and his intense hatred towards House Tariost.

Margot Margot
The Vyx Crest icon

A Chem-Baroness who was active during Silco's reign over Zaun. Her company, The Vyx, provides pleasure services in the undercity, catering to any impulse, persuasion, or inclination.

Marko Volkage
Zaun Baron Marko Volkage

A chem-baron who terrorized the gutters of Zaun, Marko attempted to forcibly marry Lady Sofia of House Arvino so that he would inherit her family's wealth and influence in Piltover. He was assassinated by Camille Camille of Clan Ferros before he could do so.

Petrok Grime
Zaun Baron Petrok Grime

A chem-baron who lost both his arms in an explosion at one of his chem-refineries and had them replaced with mechanical prosthetics. His chemtech stock is one of the most popular blends in Zaun.

Renata Glasc Renata Glasc
Glasc Industries Crest icon

A chem-baronness who prefers to use manipulation instead of violence to achieve her goals. After being orphaned as a child and left with nothing but her name and her parents' alchemical research, she spent the next few decades building her own business empire by tying everyone's interests to her own and ultimately emerged as Zaun's wealthiest crime lord.
Her company, Glasc Industries, produces weaponry, prosthetics, and perfumes from an unique blend of chemicals developed by her parents.

Renni Renni
Sludgerunners Crest icon

A Chem-Baroness who was active during Silco's reign over Zaun. Her company, the Sludgerunners, manufactures chemtech devices for the denizens of the undercity. After her son was accidentally killed by Jayce Talis Jayce Talis during a raid on one of her factories, she joined Finn Finn in his attempt to overthrow Silco, but backed down after Sevika killed Finn. She has a custom Turbo Chemtank named after her.

Saito Takeda
Zaun Baron Saito Takeda

An Ionian chem-baron known for his violent temperament, he has a reputation for bloody gang warfare and is disdainful towards his fellow chem-barons. Claiming lineage from an exiled caste of warriors from a distant land, he has plans far beyond his own territories and interests. He was also responsible for funding the super-soldier project that created the monster Zac Zac.

Silco Silco
Silco icon

A drug kingpin who formed the first generation of Chem-Barons and served as their leader. He introduced the drug shimmer to the Zaunite population. After ruling over the undercity for nearly a decade, he was accidentally killed by his adoptive daughter Jinx Jinx when she suffered a mental breakdown.

Smeech Smeech
The Scrap Hackers Crest icon

A Yordle Chem-Baron who was active during Silco's reign over Zaun. His company, the Scrap Hackers, performs cybernetic modifications both cosmetic or performative, from genome hacking to mech-exoskeletons.

Velveteen Lenare
Zaun Baron Velveteen Lenare

A chem-baroness with many business interests in Piltover, she deals mainly into golem technology. Her ravaged body was dying, so she had her head transplanted to a hextech-powered replacement. She visits Piltover regularly for fluid baths and blood/oil transfusions.


A chem-baroness who served as the warden of the Dredge, a chemtech prison mine located underneath Zaun. She would sometimes offer freedom in return for a prisoner's tortured confession, which she granted with the edge of her blade. She was eventually forced to abandon the Dredge and flee to Piltover after a violent encounter with Urgot, who took control of the mine in her place.

Wencher Spindlaw
Zaun Baron Wencher Spindlaw

A chem-baron who rose to power by murdering his boss and taking over his criminal empire. Armed with a pair of shock-batons, he is a ruthless killer who sees murder and mayhem as tools of the trade. He currently works for Glasc Industries.

Poingdestre family
Poingdestre icon
A family of chembarons formed by Zarkon, Vale, and Drake Poingdestre. Zarkon meets his end at the hands of Warwick, while Vale and Drake are captured by Clan Ferros.


See Also[]

