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League of Legends Wiki

▶️   "In your name, I have rekindled the Hearthblood."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Hearthblood Mender to Ornn Ornn

The Hearthblood are a tribe comprised of artisans, craftsmen, and brewers who had journeyed from distant lands to gather at the slopes of Hearth-Home, inspired by the legendary blacksmith, Ornn Ornn, who lives under the mountain. Though Ornn never publicly acknowledged them as his followers, he silently admired their tenacity and dedication to honing their skills.

In ancient times, Ornn clashed with his brother Valhir Valhir at the peak of the Broken Mountain, where under Hearth-Home rested. When the dust settled, Hearth-Home was a smoldering caldera, and any sign of the Hearthblood's civilization all but destroyed. The events of that day left Ornn overwhelmed with guilt, prompting him to retreat into isolation and throw himself into his work.

In recent times, the tales of Ornn resurfaced, and it was whispered that some had begun to return to the way of the Hearthblood.


The Hearthblood were gone, all of them, when Ornn Ornn decided to leave the world. Generations passed and their name was all but forgotten. More recently, however, the tales of Ornn resurfaced, and it was whispered that some had begun to return to the way of the Hearthblood.

Related Champions[]

  • Ornn Ornn is worshipped by the Hearthblood.


See also[]

