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League of Legends Wiki

▶️  "He rests now, trapped in the seventh layer deep beneath the waters."
Nilah Nilah

Kathkan is a nation on the Camavoran Continent, neighbouring Camavor Crest icon Camavor itself. The nation was historically the main rival for the kingdom of Camavor before the Ruination of Helia, almost a thousand years prior, and has thrived in Camavor's absence ever since. Under the Kathkani capital lies a secret order of heroes called the Seventh Layer[1], tasked with guarding Ashlesh Ashlesh, though the demon now resides in the hands of Nilah Nilah.

After the defeat of Viego Viego at the hands of the Sentinels of Light, Nilah became the first Kathkani to step foot on Valoran in over seven hundred years[2], in search of the Sentinels of Light. The Hallowed Mist that binds Viego to Camavor is slowly fading; when he eventually breaks free, his ruination will begin to drive demons into a frenzy-like state, potentially awakening the rest of the Ten Kings - Ashlesh's primordial brethren - which would spell doom for Kathkan.


Champions of Kathkan[]

Other Related Champions[]

  • Darha's Darha's ancestors originated from Kathkan.


Kathkan had known relative peace since its neighbor Camavor’s collapse almost a thousand years prior. It has an unnamed capital.[1]


  • Kathkan's culture is largely inspired by South East Asia and South Asia.[3]

