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The Eternal Ocean is a vast ocean that seperates the Camavoran Continent from Valoran and the Shuriman Continent. The ocean hosted the secluded and now destroyed Oovi-Kat Island.


Champions from the Eternal Ocean[]

Related Champions[]

  • Kalista Kalista journeyed across the Eternal Ocean in search of the mythical Blessed Isles Crest icon Blessed Isles and the Waters of Life the isles contained in order to heal Isolde Isolde.
  • Viego Viego journeyed across the Eternal Ocean in search of the mythical Blessed Isles Crest icon Blessed Isles and the Waters of Life the isles contained in order to heal his queen, Isolde Isolde.
  • Hecarim Hecarim journeyed across the Eternal Ocean in search of the mythical Blessed Isles Crest icon Blessed Isles in order to raid the Isles of its magical artifacts and treasures.
  • Nilah Nilah crosses the Eternal Ocean in search of the Sentinels of Light Crest icon Sentinels of Light, becoming the first Kathkani to step foot on Valoran in over seven hundred years.
  • Smolder Smolder was smuggled across the Eternal Ocean by his captors before his mother intervened, destroying their ship. However, amidst the chaos that ensued, Smolder was swept away by the currents of the ocean.


Maritime Trade Routes[]

Millennia ago, settlers from the forgotten lands of the distant east would migrate westward across this ocean, reaching the shores of the Shuriman Continent and Valoran, bringing all their ancient knowledge and wisdom with them. In time, their descendants would come to rule some of the greatest civilizations Runeterra has ever known.

In the millennia following this migration, the ocean became a bustling thoroughfare, hosting multiple trade routes utilized by Camavor Crest icon Camavor to engage in commerce with civilizations such as Ixtal Crest icon Ixtal and Harsh Lesson HD Buhru.

After the Ruination of Helia, the use of these trade routes would greatly diminish as Camavor Crest icon Camavor fell into ruin. Within the wake of Rune Wars, knowledge of the Camavoran Continent would dissappear from Valoran and the Shuriman Continent. It would take seven hundred years before the ocean routes would be used again.

Destruction of the Oovi-Kat tribe[]

The Oovi-Kat tribe, who lived on a remote island on the ocean, were destroyed by an undisclosed cataclysm. The elders of the tribe sacrificed themselves to allow some of the remaining Vastaya to escape with their lives. Neeko Neeko, being among them, took the form of a bird and fled the smoldering destruction as her home faded into the border between realms.

Days later, Neeko became exhausted and clung to a plank of driftwood in the Eternal Ocean. She eventually came across a mercantile vessel travelling for Harelport and crept aboard.

Increased Maritime Activity[]

In an attempt to find answers about Viego's Viego's imprisonment, Nilah Nilah crosses the Eternal Ocean in search of the Sentinels of Light Crest icon Sentinels of Light, becoming the first Kathkani to step foot on Valoran in over seven hundred years.

As awareness of the Camavoran Continent spreads, expeditions from Valoran and the Shuriman Continent to the lost land become increasingly common. During one such expedition, a group of beastmasters from Noxus Crest icon Noxus manages to capture a dragon hatchling dragon hatchling from the Camavoran highlands, only to meet a fiery demise at the hands of the enraged mother as they flee across the ocean.

See also[]

