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League of Legends Wiki

Super Minions are powerful minions with melee range. They only spawn on lanes where enemy inhibitors are destroyed, and stop spawning when the inhibitor respawns. While Super Minions are spawning, no siege minion siege minion will spawn in that lane.

On Summoner's Rift, when all inhibitors are destroyed, a second Super Minion will spawn in each lane.


  • They spawn at the front of minion waves.
  • Super Minions will stop spawning two waves before the enemy inhibitor is going to respawn to prevent the inhibitor from instantly being destroyed again because of Super Minions.
  • They're seen through the Fog of War.


  • Super Minions have the cosmetic items Super Mech Armor Super Mech Armor and Super Mech Power Field Super Mech Power Field:
    • Unique: Turret icon Turret basic attacks are modified to deal 7% of this minion's maximum health as pre-mitigation damage.
    • Unique: Grants nearby minions (excluding super minions) 35 armor and 35 magic resistance.
  • Super minions deal 50% reduced damage against Turret icon turrets and 87.5% reduced damage against other structures.


  • Super Minions easily push unprotected lanes and destroy enemy turrets. They have much higher stats than any other Minion, being so strong they can sometimes beat weaker champions toe-to-toe. They are the reason why inhibitors are a high priority objective.

Map Differences[]


  • In League of Legends: Turret Defence, their old Purple Team variants Purple Team variants featured as wave enemies.
  • Its animations were reused for the walking Nexus in Nexus Blitz icon Nexus Blitz.
  • Super Minions had different names during development:
    • Beta 3 and Summoner's Rift Update caster minions are referred to Mech Minion in game files.
  • Visually, Blue Super Minion's pilots use two control sticks similar to analog sticks on Siege Minions to control their mech while Red Super Minion's pilots control their mech with a red crystal sphere, suggesting that magic is used.


Patch History[]

  • Shared XP multiplier increased to 124% from 116%.
    • Solo XP unchanged at 95%.
  • Minion solo experience multiplier increased to 0.93 from 0.92.
    • Solo XP increased to 93 from 92.
  • Minion shared experience multiplier reduced to 1.16 from 1.2.
    • Shared XP reduced to 116 from 120.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 225 from 306.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.85 from 0.694.
  • Removed: Aura that grants nearby minions +70% damage.
  • Super minions now show up on the minimap through fog of war.
  • Base gold reward increased to 60 Gold 60 from 45 Gold 45.
  • Gold reward growth increased to 3 Gold 3 from 0 0.35.
  • New Effect: Gold reward is now capped at 87 Gold 87.
  • Visual and Gameplay Update on Howling Abyss map (to match Summoner's Rift).
  • Minions no longer gain magic resistance over time.
  • Minion health gain over time increased to compensate the loss of resistances.
  • Super minions now grant nearby allies minions bonus damage and resistances.
  • Visual Update on Summoner's Rift map.
  • Super Minions now take 70% damage from Turrets, increased from 50% damage
March 9th Hotfix
  • Super minions now reduce turret damage by 50% (down from 65%).
  • Super minions now reduce turret damage by 65% (up from 50%).
  • Fixed a tooltip bug "This unit receive..." with super minions.
  • On Twisted Treeline:
    • Health increased to 1200 from 1000.
    • Base damage increased by 30.