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This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Jax's Jax's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

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Main article: Jax (Development)


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Main article: Jax (Character)
  • Before lore retconning, the name Jax was Ionian.[1]
  • Jax's full name is Saijax Cail-Rynx Kohari Icath’un, his full name consists five elements specific to Icathian naming convention:
    1. Birth name,
    2. Mother's name,
    3. Father's name,
    4. Occupation / social standing,
    5. Clan name.
  • Before his transformation, Saijax was a giant with a shaven-head, skin pockmarked by the ravages of a childhood illness, and a forked beard stiffened to points with wax and white chalk.
  • Though considered a "master of weapons", he often wielded an Icathian axe-headed polearm as his primary weapon, which is actually a discarded brazier stave blazed with elemental fire that can harm the Void.
  • Jax's favorite food is eggs, particularly those from a certain caravansary in the Shuriman City of Uzeris. His prefered method of egg consumption is to boil them.
  • He is more than 3500 years old as he was present during the fall of Icathia.
    • It is hinted that he can live longer than usual due to being non-human like a lot of Icathian citizens.[2] The elemental fire inside his polearm also greatly extends his life span.
    • Jax was not mutated by the Void during the fall of Icathia.[3]

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Main article: Jax (League of Legends)
  • Jax's eyes are blue.
  • Jax was likely inspired by Garet Jax, "The Weapons Master" of the Sword of Shannara Trilogy. He was adept with any weapon and was undefeated in combat, though he often wielded a sword and cudgel.
  • In the V1.0.0.115 (April Fools' Day) patch, Wriggle's Lantern Wriggle's Lantern was given the following joke passive, referencing Jax's Jax's usage of a lamp post (which is functionally similar to a lantern) as a weapon:
    • New Unique Passive: Taunts nearby Jaxes Jaxes (both enemy and allied).
  • In the now-removed official League of Legends forums, the icon of Relentless Assault Relentless Assault was used to represent the "Off Topic Discussion" section.
  • The icon art of Grandmaster's Might Grandmaster's Might features a stunned soldier who was directly mirrored from the original icon for Time Bomb Time Bomb.


Main article: Jax (League of Legends Audio)
Jax, Grandmaster at Arms Jax, Grandmaster at Arms
Jax (old) Jax (old)
  • In Co-op vs. AI matches, Jax Bot's greeting line; "Who wants a piece of the champ?", and his line upon the players' victory; "Imagine if I had a real weapon!", were directly taken from his taunt and joke lines respectively:
Jax JaximusCircle old Jaximus Jaximus
Mecha Kingdoms Jax Mecha Kingdoms Jax
  • ▶️  "Would you look at that? I finally have a real weapon!" and ▶️  "Maybe use a real weapon next time." are a reference to his default voiceline's joke.
  • ▶️  "This is the best thing since boiled eggs." and ▶️  "My hobbies include saving people, defending kingdoms, and eating eggs boiled at optimal temperatures." reference his love for boiled eggs.
  • ▶️  "Kid, you're a true warrior." refers to Jaximus Jaximus' aforementioned line.
  • ▶️   "Surprise! I never left!" references Jax's old quote ▶️  Jax OriginalCircle old3 "Surprise! I'm back!"


Main article: Jax (Collection)
Original Jax Original Jax
Vandal Jax Vandal Jax
  • As part of Jax's 2023 visual update, the skin was updated to fit the Universe Default icon Vandal skinline.
  • Vandal Jax Vandal Jax
    • He was the first Vandal skin to be released, though he did not share the theme visually with the other Vandal skins.
Jaximus Jaximus
The Mighty Jax The Mighty Jax
Angler Jax Angler Jax
  • This skin's current appearance was first released in Wild Rift icon Wild Rift, before being added to League of Legends icon League of Legends as part of Jax's 2023 visual update.
    • This is also the first Wild Rift icon Wild Rift splash art to be brought over for a Visual Update (and without any changes).
  • His hat features a Tahm Kench Tahm Kench-like fish.
Temple Jax Temple Jax
Nemesis Jax Nemesis Jax
Chromaskins Chromas: Amber, Brick, Cream
  • Nemesis Jax Nemesis Jax
    • He is fighting several soldiers geared like Helmet Bro.
SKT T1 Jax SKT T1 Jax
Warden Jax Warden Jax
God Staff Jax God Staff Jax
  • This skin may have been inspired by the video-game Asura's Wrath, with Jax's appearance closely resembling the game's protagonist, Asura.
  • This is the first skin where his hair is fully visible.
Mecha Kingdoms Jax Mecha Kingdoms Jax
Chromaskins Chromas: Peacekeeper, Pearl, Peridot, Rose Quartz, Ruby
Conqueror Jax Conqueror Jax
  • He summons the MSI 2021 trophy in his recall animation.
  • He was designed to be visually different from the other Conqueror skins, in order to match the 2021 MSI visual and creative direction.[6]
Prestige Conqueror Jax Prestige Conqueror Jax
  • He summons the MSI 2021 trophy in his recall animation.
  • He was designed to be visually different from the other Conqueror skins, in order to match the 2021 MSI visual and creative direction.[7]
Empyrean Jax Empyrean Jax
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Citrine, Emerald, Neon Flare, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise
Neo PAX Jax Neo PAX Jax
  • This skin was released alongside Jax's 2023 visual update.
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Ruby, Sandstone, Sapphire, Turquoise

