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League of Legends Wiki
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This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Ivern's Ivern's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

The information found on this page cannot be edited from here - please follow the provided links to the source articles. This page will automatically reflect changes made elsewhere.

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Main article: Ivern (Development)

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Main article: Ivern (Character)
  • Ivern was born at some point before or during the reign of the Three Sisters.
  • Ivern knows of an event he calls 'the Kumungu Affair'.
  • Ivern travels with a squirrel called Mikkus, voiced by a Riot employee called 'Ampson'.[6]
    • Mikkus was intended to die in extremely early versions of Ivern's backstory. The development team were all very upset with Matthew 'FauxSchizzle' Dunn because of it.
  • Ivern was amongst the first Freljordians, and therefore the first outsider, to set foot in Ionia Ionia after its centuries-old isolation from the rest of the world.[7]
  • Ivern's life goal is to succeed the God-Willow he struck down back when he was human. He is 'close' (a relatively long time from a human perspective) to completing this objective.[8]
  • Ivern is essentially immortal (but not invincible).[9]

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Main article: Ivern (League of Legends)


Main article: Ivern (League of Legends Audio)
Ivern, the Green Father Ivern, the Green Father


Main article: Ivern (Collection)
Original Ivern Original Ivern
Candy King Ivern Candy King Ivern
Dunkmaster Ivern Dunkmaster Ivern
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Catseye, Obsidian, Pearl, Peridot, Rose Quartz, Ruby
Old God Ivern Old God Ivern
Chromaskins Chromas: Citrine, Emberwood, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
  • Coven Morgana Coven Morgana can be seen standing in front of him in the splash art.
  • Ivern is the old god shown in the Answer To Her Light short cinematic.
  • The skin was originally called Elderwood but was later changed to Old God to be consistent with other Old God skins in the Eclipse Knight 2022 profileicon Eclipse universe.
Astronaut Ivern Astronaut Ivern
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Turquoise

