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Majestic dragons dwell in remote places of wild beauty, avoiding mortal affairs outside of rarely bestowing their gifts on only a select few. The Dragonmancers are those fortunate and powerful enough to have gained the ultimate blessing. Whether they then use that for good or for evil is up to them, and anyone strong enough to stop them.
  • Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Emberclaw, Jadeclaw, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
    The dragon Aurelion Sol, known to seven generations of worshippers as Ao Shin, has long awaited the ascent of a warrior worthy of receiving the power of the storm. Now, with Lee Sin's transformation into the Dragonmancer, Ao Shin has directed his impossible power towards purging the world of evil.
    • LoR Champion Indicator10Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (LoR Champion Indicator10Level 2, LoR Spell Slow Indicator15 Aurelion Sol's The Skies Descend)
      "The Eternal Dragon is a blithering fool. To have chosen a mortal so unworthy of wielding their power..." - Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
      Luckily for the rest of this land's mortals, I am an excellent judge of character--and I will look on with pride as my storm-blessed champion punishes this evil with roaring impunity." - Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
      When the time comes, I think I'll make an example of Runeterra. Perhaps I'll drag its smoldering husk around with me for all eternity. Like a toy. A dead, worthless toy. I don't know. I've not really thought about it much." - Aurelion Sol
  • Fae Dragon Ashe Fae Dragon Ashe
    Chromaskins Chromas: Emberclaw, Jadeclaw, Obsidian, Pearl, Rainbow, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
    Ashe led her tribe into a mysterious forest to protect them from Brand's destruction. There, she happened upon the Fae Dragon, who sensed her immense power and devotion to her people and blessed her with its arcane magic. Now, Ashe weaves spells to keep them safe while biding her time for her revenge.
    • LoR Champion Indicator4Fae Dragon Ashe (LoR Champion Indicator4Level 2, LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator3 Ashe's Flash Freeze, LoR Spell Slow Indicator2 Crystal Arrow)
      Though her people stood frozen in fear, Ashe was not afraid as she peered into the eyes of the Fae Dragon. It had been immediately familiar to her, somehow -- as if she'd waited her entire life to meet its gaze.
      This power was not hers alone. Her family, her people, and the Fae Dragon itself were entrusting her with their strength -- and she would not fail them. Not again.
      The cold strikes without warning, rendering even the strongest warrior helpless.
      "All the world on one arrow."- Ashe
  • Eternal Dragon Brand Eternal Dragon Brand
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Emberclaw, Jadeclaw, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire
    Intoxicated by the power over life and death he received from the Eternal Dragon, Brand now spreads death and decay across the land. Now that his dragon benefactor has retreated from the affairs of mortals, only other dragon-blessed can fight against the rot Brand leaves in his wake as he asserts his prowess.
  • Dragonmancer Fiora Dragonmancer Fiora
    Chromaskins Chromas: Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
    Dignified and exacting, Fiora challenged all who misused their power. But her true test appeared in her own gilded dreams: a duel with herself, her greatest enemy. She defeated this other self, impressing the Defiance Dragon. Both dragon and chosen laughed as she raised her chin while receiving its blessing, cementing her worthiness.
  • 07BW002 CarnageDragon-circle Carnage Dragon Jack
    • LoR Champion Indicator4Carnage Dragon Jack (LoR Champion Indicator4Level 2, LoR Spell Slow Indicator4 Jack's Risky Venture)
      In his youth, Jack roamed the lands, satisfying his violent proclivities however he saw fit. His ruthlessness caught the eye of the Carnage Dragon, who recognized a kindred spirit and offered Jack its blessing. Now, Jack seeks to eliminate other dragon-blessed--the only beings strong enough to put an end to his bloodlust.
      "There's nothing more satisfying than watching the hope die in someone's eyes--right before they take that final breath." - Carnage Dragon Jack
      “Nothing ventured, nothing gained--and these jaws are built for ventures.” - Jack
  • Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa
    Chromaskins Chromas: Citrine, Emberclaw, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
    Seeking the power to purify the land of Brand's corruption, Kai'Sa plunged into the depths of the Lagoon Dragon's waters, despite terrifying legends of the endless deep. However, the Dragon recognized her for her courage to face the unknown and blessed her with its gifts. Now, she adventures the world, cleansing the land and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
    • LoR Champion Indicator5Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa (LoR Champion Indicator5Level 2, LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Kai'Sa's Supercharge, LoR Spell Slow Indicator0 Second Skin, Keyword Skill Icathian Rain)
      When Kai'Sa dove headfirst into the Lagoon Dragon's depths, an overwhelming fear pulled at the edges of her mind, threatening to drown her--but she did not yield to its crushing pressure. She closed her eyes against the darkening waters, and accepted the fear as her guiding instinct.
      Kai'Sa burst from the waves with the Lagoon Dragon's blessing, and with total clarity of purpose. With this newfound strength, she would fight tirelessly against the oncoming evil--and she knew beyond all doubt that her courage would never give way to fear.
      “I'll show you how to fight.” - Kai’Sa
      “I'm learning.” - Kai’Sa
      “Hit and move!” - Kai’Sa
  • Tranquility Dragon Karma Tranquility Dragon Karma
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Catseye, Emberclaw, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby
    As Brand's corruption spread, Karma sought the power to restore peace. When her desperate search throughout the land failed, Karma was left with nowhere left to look but within. After months of quiet contemplation, the fabled Tranquility Dragon greeted her in a vision. She awoke with the dragon's gift, the power to bring tranquil peace to face Brand's raging violence.
    • LoR Champion Indicator5Tranquility Dragon Karma (LoR Champion Indicator5Level 2, LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Karma's Insight of Ages)
      "Peace is temporary. What peace is for one, is unrest for another... and some only find tranquility through bringing chaos to others." - Tranquility Dragon Karma
      "Though peace may be fleeting, I will not stop fighting for it with every step and every breath. Even if it means sacrificing my own calm--I will bring tranquility to every living thing." - Tranquility Dragon Karma
      "When your hope wavers, know that you are never alone. The past is always by our side. It has known myriad tomorrows and all the hope that they bring." - Karma
  • Dragonmancer Kassadin Dragonmancer Kassadin
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire
    Kassadin scoured the world in search of a missing loved one. He mapped out a path in the stars, following a pattern of constellations only he could read—reaching an open field where the Astral Dragon recognized his purpose. Though his spirit darkens over the possibility his journey may never end, he now harnesses the dragon's brilliance to light his way.
  • Storm Dragon Lee Sin Storm Dragon Lee Sin
    Chromaskins Chromas: Emberclaw, Jadeclaw, Mythic, Obsidian, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
    A warrior ascetic consumed with an electric passion for justice, Lee Sin climbed the mountain of the storm dragon Ao Shin, hoping to receive his blessing. Having returned from the summit as a legendary Dragonmancer, Lee Sin now doles out thunderous punishment to villains everywhere—ever under the watchful eye of his draconic patron.
  • Zephyr Dragon Master Yi Zephyr Dragon Master Yi
    Granted his powers by the Great Dragon of the Mists, Zephyr Dragon Master Yi believes virtue can only be maintained only by passing through the mists — striving for excellence mastery, and wisdom in a battle against complacency, assumptions, and delusions. Though thoughtful and calm, Master Yi is always clear in his purpose and certain of the outcome.
  • 05BW005 CascadeDragon-circle Cascade Dragon Nami
    • LoR Champion Indicator3Cascade Dragon Nami (LoR Champion Indicator3Level 2, LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Nami's Ebb, LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Flow, LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Ebb and Flow)
      Distant kin to the Lagoon Dragon, the Cascade Dragon guards a trove of precious pearls, each said to hold a unique power. Driven not by greed, but a selfless desire to feed her starving people, Nami sought this trove, hoping to offer her life to its guardian in exchange for her people's prosperity.
      So moved by Nami's benevolennce, the Cascade Dragon offered her one of its pearls freely, and joined its essence with her. With this tremendous blessing, Nami has devoted herself to redirecting the ocean's currents--bringing new life and nourishment to her people.
      “Heed the tide's temper...” - Nami
      “...And cherish the swell's calm.” - Nami
      “I decide what the tide will bring.” - Nami
  • Dragonmancer Rakan Dragonmancer Rakan
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Turquoise
    Rakan wished to fight by his beloved Xayah's side, vowing to be her worthy equal after she gained the fenghuang's blessing. This vow took him inward, to a landscape of his nightmares, to confront his fears given form. Unflinching in battles of the mind and body, guarding the purity of his heart and love, Rakan earned the grace of the Devotion Dragon.
    • Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan
      The dragon-blessed Rakan sports clean-cut scale textures and sharp selections of armor to highlight his best angles. His charm shines through the elegant, organic swoops of his form-fitting wear—and his devotion to the runway is unbeatable.
  • Obsidian Dragon Sett Obsidian Dragon Sett
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Catseye, Citrine, Emberclaw, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tenfold Triumph
    Once an outcast child, Sett swore he would gain power to destroy anyone who made him feel weak. The Obsidian Dragon took notice of his grit and ferocity and blessed him with obsidian-hardened skin. Sett now uses his superhuman strength to make a name for himself as a pit fighter, and every hit that bounces off his crystalline skin makes his enemies tremble.
    • Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett
      After cementing his reputation as an indomitable pit fighter, Sett used his winnings to give his mother the comfortable life of their dreams. With her happiness secured, Sett returns to the pits, determined to mentor talented young fighters and remake the fighting pits into a system that rewards not the richest or the largest, but the most determined.
    • LoR Champion Indicator5Obsidian Dragon Sett (LoR Champion Indicator5Level 2, LoR Spell Slow Indicator4 Sett's Facebreaker, LoR Spell Slow Indicator0 Show Stopper)
      Believe or not, kid, I know how it feels to be weak. At your age, my arms were half as small as yours. I was beat down so many times, I lost count. I coulda stayed small and scared, and no one woulda blamed me." - Obsidian Dragon Sett
      "But I kept my fists clenched. Punched until my knuckles bled. 'Til I was numb to the pain. I didn't see myself as strong--but the Obsidian Dragon did. So watch me close, do what I do, and someday, you'll be as strong as me. Who knows? Maybe even stronger." - Obsidian Dragon Sett
      “What? He said he’d take it on the chin--he didn't say whose!” - Sett
      "For one moment, just before I shatter your spine to splinters, I'm gonna make you immortal.” - Sett
  • Steel Dragon Thresh Steel Dragon Thresh
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Catseye, Emberclaw, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Turquoise
    The Steel Dragon, happiest curled up in its cavernous archive amidst its treasures, needed someone with a talent for acquiring esoteric new treasures—and its eye fell on Thresh. Honored to assist, Thresh's limitless appetite for acquisition warped into obsession. Now he stops at nothing to acquire what he wants, justifying his cruelty in the name of his benefactor.
  • Dragonmancer Vayne Dragonmancer Vayne
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise
    Vayne vowed to hunt the blazing, rotting forces that arose from Brand's destruction. She never faltered, even when cornered on a remote coast, where she fought to the brink of death. By fate, her narrow victory coincided with the turn of a new night, and the Midnight Dragon came down to imbue her spirit with blessed darkness, sharp as draconic scales.
  • Duality Dragon Volibear Duality Dragon Volibear
    Chromaskins Chromas: Aquamarine, Citrine, Emberclaw, Emerald, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
    Volibear was the greatest terror in the forest, until the nearby volcano erupted. In the frenzy of escape, Volibear came across a child who was similarly trapped, and heeded a strange instinct—he saved the child. The Duality Dragon saw and made the mighty predator an offer: the power to hone the duality of his nature, both fury and compassion.
    • Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear
      Volibear stands poised between the two drives of his core self—rage and mercy, impulse and restraint, neither overwhelming the other. Balance is an active struggle; each day the predator and protector clash, and each day Volibear's will grows stronger by the grace of the dragon's gift.
  • Truth Dragon Yasuo Truth Dragon Yasuo
    Alone against an army, Yasuo chose to stand and fight. He blocked a narrow pass between two mountains, allowing innocents to escape the bloodshed. Wielding the truth of steel as a dance, he felled countless foes—but even he could not hold out forever. The Dragon of Truth, moved by his swordsmanship, came down from its peak to bless him...
    • Dream Dragon Yasuo Dream Dragon Yasuo
      The song of steel grew silent, and Yasuo was the last living soul on the battlefield—though he imagined he could hear the thankful murmurs of the villagers he'd protected. Wounded and dying, Yasuo produced his flute to play a last haunting elegy. The Dragon of Dreams descended from its mountaintop, moved by Yasuo's song, and offered him its power...


Ao Shin's Adventure[]

TFT Ao Shin's Adventure

Runeterra Crest icon


Ao Shin's Adventure

Every little dragon has a destiny.


Dragonmancer loading screen borders and summoner icons could be purchased through a 1900 RP 1900 bundle for epic skins.

Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan's loading screen and summoner icon could be purchased for 150 Mythic Essence 150.

Dragonmancer loading screen borders and summoner icons could be earned for 250 event tokens or purchased through a 1900 RP 1900 bundle for epic skins and a 2370 RP 2370 bundle for the legendary skin.

Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear's loading screen and summoner icon could be earned for 2000 event tokens during the 2021 ??? event.

Dragonmancer loading screen borders and summoner icons could be earned for 250 event tokens or purchased through a 1900 RP 1900 bundle for epic skins and a 2370 RP 2370 bundle for the legendary skin.

Prestige Dragon Obsidian Sett's loading screen and summoner icon could be earned for 2000 event tokens during the 2020 ??? event.

Dragonmancer loading screen borders could be purchased through 445 Wild Cores 445, a 1380 Wild Cores 1380 bundle for the epic skin and 1715 Wild Cores 1715 bundle for the legendary skin.

Zephyr Dragon Master Yi Mythic Chroma loading screen borders could be purchased through 125 OG 125 in the exchange store.



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