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be shot

1. To be physically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted. After two hours in the gym and another hour swimming, I was shot by the time I got home. I'm already pretty shot from writing essays, and I still have another one to write for tomorrow. A: "The dog's still asleep?" B: "Yep. Poor thing's been shot since our long hike this morning."
2. To be in a bad condition or totally destroyed. I wish I could have the repairs finished sooner, but I'm afraid your engine's shot. Between dealing with mounting debt, my four children, and my recent divorce, my nerves are pretty shot at the moment. Come on, this chair is totally shot. It's hazardous to even sit in—you never know when that back leg is gonna pop off!
3. To be filmed. The surprise independent hit was shot on a budget of less than $100,000. How long do you think it will take for the pool scenes to be shot? Do you know what camera this was shot on? The quality is excellent for such a low-budget film.
4. Of resources, money, etc., to be wasted, spent, or used up. I can't believe my entire budget for a week in Las Vegas was shot in the first day! I can't pay for a massive repair like that—all of my savings are shot! You have three kids in college? Aha, that explains why your money is shot!
See also: shot
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


1. n. a try at something. Go ahead. Give it another shot.
2. mod. exhausted; ruined. Here’s your pen back. It’s shot anyway.
3. n. a rocket launching. The shot was canceled because of the weather.
4. n. a small or quickly drunk drink of liquor, usually whiskey. He stopped at every bar on the strip for a quick shot.
5. n. an injection of drugs. Just one shot of that stuff and you’re hooked for life.
6. mod. alcohol intoxicated. They are a little noisy, I guess, but after all they are shot—you know, plastered.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"But you said he would have to be a very good shot," protested March.
"Not one of these shots is anywhere near the bull's-eye; they seem just scattered about in the wildest way."
Probably he began doing it in blots as he afterward did it in dots, or rather shots. It was the same sort of thing; he found a disused target in a deserted yard and couldn't resist indulging in a little secret shooting, like secret drinking.
“Stop, stop,” cried the youth, catching the arm of the black as he prepared to urge his horses forward; “Natty—you need say nothing of the shot, nor of where I am going—remember, Natty, as you love me.”
“I will just get the shot extracted, and bring you up to-night a quarter of the buck for the Christmas dinner.”
On a small dead branch of the pine, which, at the distance of seventy feet from the ground, shot out horizontally, immediately beneath the living members of the tree, sat a bird, that in the vulgar language of the country was indiscriminately called a pheasant or a partridge.
“The meat is none of mine to sell,” said Leather-Stocking, adopting a little of his companion’s hauteur; “for my part, I have known animals travel days with shots in the neck, and I’m none of them who’ll rob a man of his rightful dues.”
In a few seconds he came up to breathe; and scarce had his head reached the surface of the water when it was completely riddled with the shot of their guns, and he sunk, to rise no more!'
Baggs was shot by some villain on Friday, 6th inst., in the evening, while sitting in a room in his own house in Independence.
'On the 27th ult., in an affray near Carthage, Leake county, Mississippi, between James Cottingham and John Wilburn, the latter was shot by the former, and so horribly wounded, that there was no hope of his recovery.
It appears that Bury had become somewhat noisy, AND THAT THE BARKEEPER, DETERMINED TO PRESERVE ORDER, HAD THREATENED TO SHOOT BURY, whereupon Bury drew a pistol and shot the barkeeper down.
Robbins' first shot took effect in Fall's thigh, who fell, and was unable to continue the combat.'
M'Kane and M'Allister, who had been engaged in the business of distilling, and resulted in the death of the latter, who was shot down by Mr.
"Now by the lusty yew bow of good Saint Withold," cried the stranger, "that is a shot indeed, and never saw I the like in all my life before!
On August 19 around 8:45 in the morning, a Broward County Sheriff's Office detective with nearly 10 years of experience was shot and killed while assisting U.S.