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References in classic literature ?
Of twenty-four arrows, shot in succession, ten were fixed in the target, and the others ranged so near it, that, considering the distance of the mark, it was accounted good archery.
Now, I have shot little of late, but there is Johnston here who will try a round with you for the honor of the Company."
I never knew a chap with such good shooting that was such a bad shot. Mind you, he's a jolly good fellow and all that; I don't say a word against him.
The other archers in this round were disconcerted by the preceding shots, or unable to keep the pace.
Stepan Arkadyevitch shot two more birds and Levin two, of which one was not found.
Both the squire and I returned the shot, but as we had nothing to aim at, it is probable we only wasted powder.
Saxtorph got two in mid-air with his revolver, and would have shot the other three in the water if I hadn't stopped him.
Now, reserving for another discussion the means of producing this velocity, I will call your attention to the dimensions which it will be proper to assign to the shot. You understand that we have nothing to do here with projectiles weighing at most but half a ton."
And you will own yourself, Judge, that the buck fell at the last shot, which was sent from a truer and a younger hand than your’n or mine either; but, for my part, although I am a poor man I can live without the venison, but I don’t love to give up my lawful dues in a free country.
He roves about in the garden of the palace and upon the ramparts: yes, once he even shot your father and mother right in the heart.
Said negro has been shot in the left arm between the shoulder and elbow, which has paralysed the left hand.'
"Oh, 'Bougwan!'" re-echoed Sir Henry and I, and from that day Good's reputation as a marvellous shot was established, at any rate among the Kafirs.