
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a road with a hard surface. The term shosse was used extensively from the early 19th century to the mid-20th century in place of the term guzhevaia doroga (cart road). In the 1950’s, the word shosse came to be applied to highways with a multilayered surface consisting of granular materials that are compacted and then treated either with organic binders (used in building a blacktop road) or with water (used in building a macadam road). The term shosse is preserved in the names of such roads as the Gorky Shosse and the Leningrad Shosse as well as in everyday speech. The more precise term avtomobil’naia doroga (highway) is used instead of shosse in scientific and industrial literature.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Urban Mobility Center is responsible for 10 public aboveground parking lots and 4 underground buffers - 577 parking places at James Boucher metro station, 1253 places for parking at Tsarigradsko Shosse and 349 and 118 respectively at Beli Dunav metro station.
It is limited liability company (registration number in the unified state register of insurance agents is 3621; location: 1 Volokolamskoe Shosse, bldg.
The Moscow project is located in Sokolinaya gora (Eastern administrative district of Moscow) and is close to Shosse Entuziastov, Izmailovskoe Shosse and Prospekt Budennogo.
Live" will examine the lives of people in the Moscow suburb of Rublevskoye Shosse. The area is home to President Vladimir Putin, many prominent state officials, celebrities, artists and many of Russia's new wealthy classes.
The project will be in close proximity to Tsarigradsko shosse and will have parking on three underground levels.
After that the monument Alexander Nevski will go on Tsarigradsko shosse. In connection with the protest from 7.00 am today until the end of the procession it is forbidden to stay and park the northwest arc of "St.
The meeting will take place between 16:30 and 17:00 at the crossroads of ''Brussels'' and ''Tsarigradsko shosse'' boulevards and at the crossing of the ''Orlov Bridge'', the trade unions say.