warning shot

(redirected from Shot across the bow)
Also found in: Idioms.

warning shot

n to fire a warning shotsparare (in aria) un colpo di avvertimento
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
with its own $60B shot across the bow, Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives says that semiconductor names such as Nvidia (NVDA), Intel (INTC), and Micron (MU) among others represent clear worries that a potential supply chain disruption could be in the cards along with higher component costs being passed down the tech ecosystem and thus softening demand globally.
A private investment management firm fired a shot across the bow of Fortress Investment Group LLC, the company that controls and operates the newspaper publishing firm New Media Investment Group Inc., last week.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Microsoft is taking a shot across the bow of Google Android by broadening availability of Cortana, both to help users and to gain valuable user data.
I fired a shot across the bow of travel firm Thomson to secure a PS400 refund for Gordon Cooper.
They stayed up by the skin of Luis Suarez's teeth last season but bookies believe Saturday's shocker was a shot across the bow - Mannone (right) dropped it - and quote the Wearsiders at just 11-4 to go down.
"If we are saying in a clear and decisive but very limited way, we send a shot across the bow saying, stop doing this, this can have a positive impact on our national security over the long term," Obama told Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in a televised interview.
But while the new online stores are a first shot across the bow of the traditional menswear market, many companies (and their potential customers) are eager to see physical retail shops appear.
David Cohen's coverage from the NAB trade show, where News Corp.'s latest shot across the bow of upstart Aereo was much discussed (News Corp.
The biggest shot across the bow, however, was in Germany where earlier this summer, a court in Cologne ruled circumcisions to be illegal.
As ridiculous as that sounds, that's a pretty important shot across the bow."
The stand taken by the Vermont Senate could be viewed as a shot across the bow that the dissatisfaction may be nearing a boiling point.