circle around

(redirected from circle around him)
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circle around

1. To move in a circular path, perhaps to come back to one's original location. A specific person or thing does not have to be stated after "around" to convey this meaning. Does anyone know why helicopters are circling around outside our building? I can't wait for you here because I'm blocking traffic—I'll have to circle around. A: "Dang it, I forgot my wallet." B: "OK, I'll circle around to the house. It's a good thing we hadn't gotten very far!"
2. To move something in a circular path. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is often used between "circle" and "around." Take this tray of hors d'oeuvres and circle it around to all the people sitting in the living room. Circle this sign-up sheet around, will you? I want to get an accurate head count. If Marty didn't get any signatures at all, I doubt he circled the petition around like he claims he did.
3. To form a circle around someone or something. The shower guests circled around the bride-to-be as she opened presents. The kids circled around the newly hatched chicks in awe. A group of fans circled around the celebrity, asking for autographs and reaching out for a handshake.
4. To focus on someone or something. But it's Beth's surprise party, not yours, so all the decorations and games should circle around her and her alone. This novel circles around the protagonist's journey to self-discovery. She's a kid, so of course she thinks the whole world circles around her.
5. To occur again in the usual pattern or schedule. I am so ready for summer to circle around again because I hate the cold! Because Christmas only circles around once a year, I want to make it really special for the kids. Ugh, I can't stop sneezing. Guess my spring allergies have circled around once again.
6. To envelop someone or something in something, often a material. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is often used between "circle" and "around." Now circle that piece of fabric around the mannequin like this. I could tell Lia was cold, so I took off my coat and circled it around her. Before I left for the prom, my mom circled my wrap around my shoulders and stepped back, beaming.
See also: around, circle
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

circle around (over someone or something)

[for a plane or a bird] to fly around above someone, something, or some place. The plane circled around over us for a few minutes and then went on. It circled around over the field.
See also: around, circle
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

circle around

1. To proceed in a circle around someone or something: We circled around the block until they were ready to be picked up.
2. To move something in a circle around someone or something: We circled the dish around the table so everyone could try some.
3. To wrap or place something in a circle around someone or something: We circled the ribbon around the pole.
4. To form a circle around someone or something: The children circled around the storyteller.
5. To proceed in a circle: The plane circled around until it was cleared for landing.
6. To be centered around someone or something: These movie stars think everything circles around them.
7. To come by way of rotation: When the holiday season circles around, I want to have all my shopping done.
See also: around, circle
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
Francis was lying upon his face groaning heavily; the Kru boys, to whom he was well known, were gathered in a little circle around him. Trent brushed them on one side and made a brief examination.
Dressed in a black jacket and black jeans with a gold chain and white trainers, Liam sang into a microphone and danced around as onlookers gathered in a circle around him.
Crouch got a circle around him did his body popping and locking."