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the round or course traversed by an electrical current. The circuit is said to be closed when it is continuous, so that the current may pass through it; it is open, broken, or interrupted when it is not continuous and the current cannot pass through it.
reentrant circuit (reentry circuit) the circuit formed by the circulating impulse in reentry.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The path or course of flow of cases or electric or other currents.
[L. circuitus, a going round, fr. circum, around, + eo, pp. itus, to go]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The path or course of flow of electric or other currents.
[L. circuitus, a going round, fr. circum, around, + eo, pp. itus, to go]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The race was promoted by the West Midlands Division of British Cycling over a 10.3-mile circiut, covered just under seven times, taking in Hockley Heath and Tanworth-in-Arden where the finish line came at the top of Doctors Hill.
McGlashan, Daytona Beach May 2006 Jerry Bruce Wells, Daytona Beach June 2005 Charles Chobee Ebbets June 2004 Designated Reviewer Eigth Judicial Circiut "A" Term Expires Stephen Kevin Miller, Vice Chair Oct.
In 1975, one year after Congress enacted the RPA, the Fourth Circiut ruled in West Virginia Division of the Izaak Walton League of America v.
Farloe Bramble, meanwhile, has been drafted in as replacement for the lame Black Buster in the four-dog showpiece, the centrepiece of a gala card at the Owlerton circiut which includes the final of the Dransfield Novelty Puppy.
The district court, nonetheless, had concluded that the sport fishers were privies of the governments under the doctrine of parens patriae.150 The Ninth Circuit, in upholding the district court, correctly noted that under existing case law, the state has a sovereign interest in its natural resources and presumably represents the interests of all its citizens when it is a party to a suit involving a matter of such sovereign interest.[151] This presumption of adequate representation, the Ninth Circiut found, coupled with the consent decree (which expressly provided that the governments were acting in their trustee capacity), meant that ASFA, composed of members of the public, was a party to the government suit within the meaning of res judicata.[152]