CIRCLComputer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (cyber-crime group)
CIRCLCenter for Injury Research and Control (University of Pittsburgh)
CIRCLCentre for International Research in Childhood: Literature, Culture, Media (University of Reading; UK)
CIRCLChattanooga Indigenous Resource Center and Library (Chattanooga, TN)
CIRCLCenter for Improving Resources in Children (Temple University; Philadelphia, PA)
CIRCLCoalition for Immigrants' Rights at the Community Level (Pennsylvania)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Here matter new to gaze the Devil met Undazl'd, farr and wide his eye commands, For sight no obstacle found here, nor shade, But all Sun-shine, as when his Beams at Noon Culminate from th' AEQUATOR, as they now Shot upward still direct, whence no way round Shadow from body opaque can fall, and the Aire, No where so cleer, sharp'nd his visual ray To objects distant farr, whereby he soon Saw within kenn a glorious Angel stand, The same whom JOHN saw also in the Sun: His back was turnd, but not his brightness hid; Of beaming sunnie Raies, a golden tiar Circl'd his Head, nor less his Locks behind Illustrious on his Shoulders fledge with wings Lay waving round; on som great charge imploy'd Hee seemd, or fixt in cogitation deep.
Circl works: Transforming Eurocentric consciousness.
She used to write their names -- "Halo" (Haldol), "Stella" (Stelazine), "Moddie" (Moditen) -- in her journals in the same space where she wrote the names of her progressively diminishing circl e of friends.
Thus the circl e closes in on itself, in what one might call a sentimental signifying system.
attorney then outlined details of a similar incident on the nearby Winema National Forest a year and a half earlier in which 49 truckloads of logs worth "tens of thousands of dollars" had been removed illegally from th Southgate timber sale, and how "...the Forest Service made the unilateral decision to resolve the matter by issuing $250 petty offense citations to Circl De and two of its employees....
Deutsch's experiments seem to indicatethat most people carry around a "pitch-class circl" (see diagram) in their minds.