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, jibe Nautical
an instance of gybing
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Software company Carve Gybe Software announced on Thursday the availability of SuperPhoto, a new iOS Universal App.
The wind is behind us and we have to gybe every half hour so as to stay within the "safe corridor Wednesday, November 16 During the morning watch we are joined just off shore by a very large whale that appeared in front of us, dived and resurfaced within 30 feet of our port side.
Dongfeng were one of three boats to crash over on their sides midway through the Southern Ocean on the 6,776nm leg -- a so-called aACAyChinese gybe'.
'In the closing stages, the biggest problem was the wind direction, we had to make one extra gybe and during that time while heading to the north we were not making much ground to the finish, but we had no choice to keep the stronger wind.
They were first to reveal a Chinese gybe, with their on-board reporter, Yann Riou, revealing: "It took two to three hours to sort out the mess.
"25 to 30 knots of wind running, and I will need to gybe in a few hours for the final ice gate.
The rest of the time was sheer, windswept joy as we boarded a trusty training dinghy called a Wayfarer and took our turn to tack and gybe (turning the boat, but one is when the wind is coming from the front, and the other when it is behind), shouting 'Ready about!' to prepare the crew for the turn and 'Lee-ho!' as it was executed.
This is great for tweaking the main, and when you have good crew, one person can ease sheets from one side, while another sheets on after a gybe.