GYCCGreater Yakima Chamber of Commerce (Washington state)
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Curiously, and perhaps indicative of the value of "The Vision" itself, the original draft Vision document, with no official standing, remains on the shelves of all of the GYCC managers.
By the mid-1990s most of the members of the GYCC who had been part of the team during the draft Vision document efforts had moved on to other positions or retired.
Under the basic interagency cooperative agreement and charter, the GYCC with largely a new cast of players and continuing pressures to address issues, reverted to operating more on an issues by issue basis.
The continuation of coordination efforts of the GYCC is essential in evaluating the information from research and formulating decisions with understanding of their effects on other units within the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Continuing the coordination efforts of the GYCC to cross agency boundaries will create a more complete picture of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and help resolve issues on an ecosystem basis.