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Gdynia (gədĭnˈyə), Ger. Gdingen, city (1994 est. pop. 252,100), Pomorskie prov., N Poland, a port on the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Danzig. It is the port of a larger urban area that includes Gdańsk and Sopot. It is an important rail center with industries producing metals, machinery, and food products. Originally a small German fishing village, it was transferred to Poland after World War I. Gdynia as a port was built up after 1924 to end Poland's dependence on Danzig (Gdańsk). By 1934, Gdynia handled more freight than Danzig and was a leading Baltic port. It also became the main naval base and shipbuilding center of Poland. Although the harbor was heavily damaged in World War II, the city suffered relatively little destruction. By 1950 most of the harbor was rebuilt, and Gdynia was again an important commercial port.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city and port in Poland, in Gdańsk Województwo, on the Gulf of Gdańsk in the Baltic Sea. Together with Gdańsk and Sopot it forms a conurbation—the so-called Trójmiasto (Tri-city). The population in 1969 was 182,000 (in 1921 Gdynia’s population was 1,300). The city owes its growth to the building in 1924-36 of a large international port with commercial, military, and fishing harbors. The freight turnover was 9 million tons in 1969; the port is a transfer point for general cargoes of Silesian coal, imported ores, grain, fuel oil, and other products. The most developed branches of industry are machine building, especially shipbuilding, and food processing (fish, fat, meat, and other industries). The city has marine and naval schools, as well as a scientific research institute of sea fishery.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


a port in N Poland, near Gdańsk: developed 1924--39 as the outlet for trade through the Polish Corridor; naval base. Pop.: 253 521 (1999 est.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005