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Related to GYAS: agar, Qiyas, Gays, Gyes
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Get rid of the impure blood and your health problem is solved," says Gyas, who learnt the skill from his father and has been treating people here for more than 40 years.
Bates, 1866 206 Symmachia tricolor Hewitson, 1867 207 Pirascca tyriotes (Godman & Salvin, 1878) 208 Panaropsis thyatira (Hewitson, [1853]) Tribe Helicopini Reuter 1897 209 Helicopis cupido (Linnaeus, 1758) * 210 Sarota chrysus (Stoll, 1781) 211 Sarota lasciva (Stichel, 1911) 212 Sarota gyas (Cramer, 1775) 213 Sarota miranda Brevignon, 1998 214 Anteros acheus (Stoll, 1781) 215 Anteros bracteata Hewitson, 1867 216 Anteros formosus (Cramer, 1777) 217 Calydna caieta Hewitson, 1854 * 218 Calydna candace Hewitson, 1859 * 219 Calydna catana Hewitson, 1859 * Tribe Incertae sedis 220 Emesis adelpha Le Cerf, 1958 221 Emesis aurimna (Boisduval, 1870) 222 Emesis castigata Stichel, 1910 223 Emesis cerea (Linnaeus, 1767) 224 Emesis condigna Stichel, 1925 225 Emesis cypria C.